I agree, but would add that when slamming drums hard, through a buss, the Fairchild sounds more like a real 1176 (all button in mode or any mode) than the 1176LN. I own a 2-1176 and have compared the two. The "hair" it seems to add, when pushed, is almost identical. The only difference between the 1176LN and the F-670 is in the low-end dept. But F-670 & 2-1176 (hardware) pretty f'n close. This thing can do so much, I have only just scratched the surface. Only used on drums, so far. I imagine it would sound killer on a acoustic piano. Man I need to play with this comp a bit more. It really is cool. Just my 2 cents.BTLG said:It's become my go to compressor for vocals because it doesn't add the nasty artifacts of an 1176 (which can sometimes be desirable of course) and is more controllable than the LA2A.
Yes.. of course it does...and that is also debatable, but I'm using my ears and giving my opinion between UA's Hardware and their software and what I own and have used. 1176LN (plug) sounds like a weak 1176 w/stereo adapter, to me. Where the f-670 (plug) comes close to the 2-1176 stereo hardware, for me, on a stereo buss... regardless of what UA was trying to model. I was speaking of either compressor on a stereo buss. This doesn't mean I don't think the 1176LN is good compressor. I love it. I haven't really used the f-670 on individual instruments, like the 1176LN. I use them both. If they ever wanted to rename the Fairchild, 2-1176 would fit perfectly. ha! :wink:BTLG said:yeah but, does the 2-1176 really sound like an 1176?
UA stuff sounds and works better!BTLG said:I was tongue in cheek referring to the Urei models and wondering how similar the new UA hardware sounds to the old stuff.