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Fairchild trouble


New Member
I've been using the Fairchild mono plug (PCI-e ver 4.6/Cubase 4 studio) since March/April with no major problems.

This weekend I put the Fairchild mono plug on a mono channel and it started freaking out on me...very distorted sounding. I found a really old thread where this was happening to others, but Digital Performer users. However, the forum won't let me put a link on my post, since I'm a newbie here.

Anyways, should I try downloading the most current update? I'm computer challenged...and not sure what else to try.

This happened a few times in the past with the 140, and I think once with the fairchild, but each time it stopped after closing the program and reopening.

Now it does it every time, regardless of track/program, etc. And the 140 is the only other plug I'm currently using on the song, so I have plenty of DSP.

Thanks for your time! Mike
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