I agree that machine auth would be great, but is ilok "terrible" copy protection? My understanding is that it's pretty good - as far as the actual protection is concerned.
Probably a regional thing (metro LA) but in 5 years, I've only had my ilok 'cloud' session disrupted twice, and for not more than a day. It was a big Pace outage.
Most of the time when they announce ilok cloud maintenance, my cloud session still works.
Yes, it’s very good protection as far as cracking it goes. But for the user it’s a terrible product, unless you use machine activation, which for me has worked flawlessly for all my software that use it.
The iLok dongle is useful for those who move around between computers a lot, but those users are becoming more rare as the music production landscape has shifted.
For a laptop user it’s just another tiny thing to keep track of and potentially lose. It takes up a precious port on the computer and creates unnecessary wear on it.
And why should I as a user need to buy a physical key just to protect the companies property? Makes no sense. If it was to protect my licenses it would be a different thing, but that’s not the case. It is just beyond stupid to require a physical key for a piece of software to work.
iLok Cloud might work if you have a stationary computer with a steady internet connection. But laptops are becoming more and more popular for music producers and a lot of them are moving around a lot which means unstable internet or no internet at all.
I’ve lost count of all then times that iLok Cloud has failed on me. Even if I just switch networks it requires me to restart the DAW. It’s just annoying
It makes UAs otherwise stable plug-ins very unreliable. It would have been one thing if it only needed to call home once in a while, but to require a constant connection and not even letting you switch networks is unrealistic in this day and age.
All the other developers I buy from who use iLok allows you to use machine activation. It works flawlessly. UA tried to explain that it’s not as secure.
Question is: is it secure enough? It seems fo be secure enough for most of the other companies. Why should we have to suffer for UAs anxiety?