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Fighting with peaks


Active Member
Although I love the sound of our UAD compressors, I've got a little problem dealing with the output volume of bass signals.
Example: a bass drum sample played by NI Battery in Cubase SX.
Dry output -1db.
1176 LN inserted into the Battery channel.
Ratio 4:1 or 8:1, Attack/Release fit to taste, compression is about 3 to 5db.
In order to achieve the same sensed loudness with A/B comparison to the uncompressed signal, I got overloads mostly in the attack phase.
Same problem with synth basses. :-k

Should I ignore the peak indicator because of 32bit domain or am I doing something wrong?


Active Member
I suppose this is sort of a natural side efect to using a compressor especially with an slower than instant attack setting. You are clamping down on the audio after the attack... You could try shortening your attack, compressing less deeply, or using some sort of brickwall after the compressor, or on a bus, to just tame the transients - just don't overdo it.

Should I ignore the peak indicator because of 32bit domain or am I doing something wrong?
If you are creating files that don't clip, you are *probably* not clipping internally just beware around other plugins that might not like hotter than 0db data.



Active Member
cAPSLOCK said:
I suppose this is sort of a natural side efect to using a compressor especially with an slower than instant attack setting.
Ouch! Yes, you are right. I noticed this phenomenon this night while I was comparing my "old" TC Dex with the UAD Compressors.
The Dex might have got some sort of brickwall limiter.
And yes, the transients are tamed by the Dex, while a 1176 gives more "punch".

An optional "Auto Gain" control would be nice for the UAD compressors.
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