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Firewire Interface suggestions


Active Member
Hi there, I am about to buy either a MOTU 828MkII or a Tascam 1804 interface. Don´t wanna go more expensive like RME or Metric Halo.
Does anybody here have experience with one of them, are they compatible on a G5 (dual 2GHz) and UAD cards?

Thanks & rock on!


Active Member
WildCowboys said:
Hi there, I am about to buy either a MOTU 828MkII or a Tascam 1804 interface. Don´t wanna go more expensive like RME or Metric Halo.
Does anybody here have experience with one of them, are they compatible on a G5 (dual 2GHz) and UAD cards?

Thanks & rock on!
May I also suggest the Echo Audiofire 8? IMHO it sounds much better than the MOTU.



Active Member
MOTU has been doing MAC for a LOOOONG time and their drivers for Mac have always been solid.

Tascam is also usually very solid.

I'll tell you, that I have a Yamaha O1X and I feel its one of the better values out there. Cuz not only is it a great Digital I/O, but you get a DAW Controller for all the major Apps, a stand alone Mixer and DSP with Dynamics on every channel and two FX processors for Verbs etc. Its a great tool for all your needs in the Studio. FX for monitoring. Its selling for only $999.00. I got one for $800.00 from a scratch and dent and the blemish was on the underside of the case :) Its been working great with my G5 and SX 3. Check it out. It has the same DSP as the O1V96.




Active Member
thanks guys!!!
the echo is not being considered cause I want to have adat i/o as well!!

so it looks like noone has had bad experiences with the tascam or the motu so far. that is good enough information for now!!!

rock on!


Universal Audio
UA Official
I've had a MOTU 828mkII since they were introduced and I love it (I also haven't had any problems with it on my 1Ghz TiBook or Dual 2.0 PCI G5. It's a great box.

Unless the budget isn't there at all, I would strongly suggest looking at the Fireface800 again, you totally get what you pay for. I'm satisfied with my 828, but if I was in the market for a new interface, I would be all over the FF.
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