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Flexi pack..still a good deal with PCIe around?


Active Member
Hi guys,
i've been busy for a while.. but now i'm back!
I'd like to ask a question(well, actually 2 :p )
The flexi pack sounds like a pretty good deal.. My only concern is about the \"apple pci express only policy\".. If i buy an extra card with the flexi pack it's gonna be useless as soon as i upgrade my mac.. :cry:
Also, I have a PoCo Mk2 and a uad1 on a PM DP1.8(june'04), can i add one more uad1? I mean, there is any \"know issue\" with this setup?


Yes, it will be useless if you buy a new Mac. Any Mac user would be ill advised (REALLY stupid) to buy UA pci hardware right now. It does not appear that UA is going to continue to make pci products for Macs.


Active Member
Well lets look at this logically. Why get a PCIe G5 model? The only reason would be to get a Quad, since the other two models don't offer much of a performance gain if any over the PCI/X models.

The Quad is so new that I wouldn't jump in yet unless you're certain that all your software would work with it and you planned on getting a FW or USB audio interface and were positive they also worked perfectly. OR if you can wait, there should be updates to the Host cards from RME, MOTU etc. These should be PCIe and allow you to use existing hardware with the new G5's.

If you had no intention of getting a Quad, why not get a PCI or PCI-X G5 now and run your UAD-1 inside that. You should be able to get a good deal on remaining stock or a used model. Several months back I bought my G5 used and I had bought a used Magma Chassis as well. I saved a LOT of money that way. The system works wonderfully.



Active Member
Hi Trace,
I'm not worried about the quad, i'll was talking about the macintel. I'm sure that Apple will force us all to upgrade to macintel even if we don't need/have to. So, in my case i will end up with a \"wortless\" G5, and 2 obsolete pci DSP cards(PoCoMK2, UAD1). I switched to apple because of logic and i've already lost 1,000$(retail price of logic platinum 4 for pc) and I don't wanna waste my hard earn money anymore!
Back to the original topic, I just wanted to get the new multiband compressor(when is out) and the dreamverb.. With the flexipack i could get 2 birds with one stone(plugins+extra uad1), but now i'm not so sure that is a good deal, that's all!


Active Member
dusty said:
Hi Trace,
I'm not worried about the quad, i'll was talking about the macintel. I'm sure that Apple will force us all to upgrade to macintel even if we don't need/have to. So, in my case i will end up with a "wortless" G5, and 2 obsolete pci DSP cards(PoCoMK2, UAD1). I switched to apple because of logic and i've already lost 1,000$(retail price of logic platinum 4 for pc) and I don't wanna waste my hard earn money anymore!
Back to the original topic, I just wanted to get the new multiband compressor(when is out) and the dreamverb.. With the flexipack i could get 2 birds with one stone(plugins+extra uad1), but now i'm not so sure that is a good deal, that's all!
Well I tend to work in the here and now. Its gonna be a rough transition no douibt, but for now and at least the next year or 2 it would be worth it to you to get the Flexipack as you are looking to do. The MacIntel Towers will not be here until probably 2007 or close to it, so for now it makes perfect sense to get the UAD-1's you need now. Even after the Switch, you'll likely be able to trade in the old UAD-1. I'm sure that if they move on, they'll offer some kind of trade in program. UA is usually VERY good about those kinds of things. TC Electronic did it and i'm sure UA would follow suit.

As you can see I have 4 UAD's in a Magma Chassis. Any upgrade to my system is likely to be an additional small form factor computer. I'll just use it for VSTi's and keep my existing system. Heck I still have my old 1st gen G4 and a bunch of legacy stuff in there.


The Beatsmith

Active Member
The reason to get a non-quad dual core, is because it means you get a damn warranty, as you have to buy 2nd hand. What the hell do i want to be driving miles across the country for, trouncing around going to peoples houses to try to find a non-chirping G5, with warranty, boxed, etc.

I think i'm going to sell my UAD-1 and get a dual core 2.0. Thanks for not commenting on any solutions UAD, you just lost a user. I'll probably keep it in a draw for a little while just in case they offer some kind of discounted upgrade solution.

I've been checking these pages and the UA page everyday since the new macs were released and all i got was a big fat load of nothing.

I need to buy a G5 now, and don't want to take chances with eBay and 2nd hand. I shouldn't *have* to do that.

And UAD-1 has no advice or solution to offer me, so i don't really have a choice. I'm really upset that i can't use my UAD-1 plugs.


Active Member
The Beatsmith said:
The reason to get a non-quad dual core, is because it means you get a damn warranty, as you have to buy 2nd hand. What the hell do i want to be driving miles across the country for, trouncing around going to peoples houses to try to find a non-chirping G5, with warranty, boxed, etc.

I think i'm going to sell my UAD-1 and get a dual core 2.0. Thanks for not commenting on any solutions UAD, you just lost a user. I'll probably keep it in a draw for a little while just in case they offer some kind of discounted upgrade solution.

I've been checking these pages and the UA page everyday since the new macs were released and all i got was a big fat load of nothing.

I need to buy a G5 now, and don't want to take chances with eBay and 2nd hand. I shouldn't *have* to do that.

And UAD-1 has no advice or solution to offer me, so i don't really have a choice. I'm really upset that i can't use my UAD-1 plugs.
Hey you know I got a warranty from the used computer dealer I bought my G5 from. They have great prices and you can send it back if it doesn't work.


I don't have any Chirping problems with my G5 and basically my system just runs. I'm interested in trying to help you if I can. Don't give in to despair, there are too many users with systems working flawlessly to assume that there's no answer for you.


The Beatsmith

Active Member
Hi Trace,

I'm from the UK (can't use that link)... my options for 2nd hand macs seem to be: a refurb (i'd be ok with that, but the discounts aren't that great, and i don't think they will beat educational prices), ebay (urgh - and macs are way overpriced on ebay), or private ads (not many expensive workstations in there, means driving around the country to a strangers house, can't check it for chirping when a firewire audio device attached, etc).

So the only options i'd be happy with, are refurb, new, or if there's a 'safe' 2nd hand G5 dual that pops up out of nowhere.

I've taken my UAD-1 out of my G4 and i'm looking at it now, it's on the table. I don't want to part with it, but the new G5's are the same price, faster, and quieter. And new.

Man, the peace of mind that comes with buying something new cannot be underestimated. I'd be happy with a refurb, but in the UK you can only see the refurb store from 10am-12pm on a Wednesday morning, which is really dumb. I'm usually too busy at work, and forget to check it. Plus, when i get the cash together (soon, soon), i will just be able to go BANG! (ok, click click!) and just order online, instead of spending 2 weeks travelling around the country to peoples houses to find the right 2nd hand G5 for me.

Surely UA can't expect their users, who are largely professional (i'm on the boarderline with that), to be rummaging around the 2nd hand local ads and ebay in order to use a UAD-1?




What does UA have to say about PCIe

I just want to hear what UA has to say about this. I am looking to get a new G5 and also prefer buying directly from Apple. I don't want a used G5. I just want to hear from UA that they will or will not make a PCIE version of their card. Other compainies have at least said that they are working on a solution. I guess my other option is ( since I use PTLE which doesn't have auto delay compensation, have tried DP but it seems clunky compared to PT) to forget about UA plugs and go back to waves and look into McDSP, Altaverb, etc.

The Beatsmith

Active Member
A mix of PSP VW, Mixpack (already own them) and the Tritone plugins (already own Colourtone, want to get hydratone, and all of them!) seem like a good replacement for UAD plugs

But, they are native and so use up a lot of CPU


Active Member
Hey i'm sorry to hear you guys having such a rough time with the whole UAD deal and new Macs.

Beatsmith have you tried to call the guys at the site I mentioned. They might be able to work something out with you on shipping.

As far as the PCIe issue, its SO EARLY in the game. Apple did kind of spring this on everyone. In fact there are only a very small amount of PCIe products available at all, never mind Audio products. You could still get a new PCI-X model from Apple:


You might also get an older model Demo still in stock here:


or here


I don't know if they ship international, but its worth asking.


The Beatsmith

Active Member
It's not a case of shipping cost, it's the 17.5% VAT extra i'd have to pay, plus then customs on top of that, plus all the other things they just 'decide' to add, when the item is brought into the UK

Basically add about 21-24% extra onto the price of anything from the USA

It's just not feasible man


Active Member
The Beatsmith said:
It's not a case of shipping cost, it's the 17.5% VAT extra i'd have to pay, plus then customs on top of that, plus all the other things they just 'decide' to add, when the item is brought into the UK

Basically add about 21-24% extra onto the price of anything from the USA

It's just not feasible man
OK I understand :)

How about the link for the PCI-X dual 2.7Ghz Mac from Apple? would that be a good machine for your purposes?


The Beatsmith

Active Member
Check the apple site - i don't see them in the top right hand corner of the store site - on the UK *or* US site

Sigh :x :wink: :roll: :|


Active Member
well, i guess i'll skip the flexi pack and buy the plugs separately. I don't want to spend 200$ for an extra UAD and be able to use it only for a few months..


Active Member
dusty said:
well, i guess i'll skip the flexi pack and buy the plugs separately. I don't want to spend 200$ for an extra UAD and be able to use it only for a few months..
Do you think that is really gonna happen? There is too much of an installed user base for UA to just leave us all hanging. They are formulating plans as we speak. Just because they have not yet announced them, doesn't mean they won't do something. I have faith that they will work something out.

I'm surprised at the level of skepticism from you guys. Perhaps you haven't been around UA long enough to know what they're like. If you have been around since the beginning you'd know that they are very pro user. They go out of their way to make sure their products are affordable and that they do what they can to help their customers out. They've given us free plugs and many discount offers over the years. As far as price to performance is concerned they have not been out done by any of the competiton. They remain the most affordable High Quality DSP platform you can have.


The Beatsmith

Active Member
Well you don't have to worry about, so you can be as jovial as you like about the situation

As i mentioned, apple seem to have stopped selling the dual 2.7's

The Beatsmith

Active Member
Click the link.

Takes you to the store front page.

Click powermac. No dual 2.7 there. Am i being dumb here or has no one actually tried to buy the dual 2.7 recently?

I could also add in the problem with the AMD chipsets on that computer... but i won't.




Active Member
The Beatsmith said:
Click the link.

Takes you to the store front page.

Click powermac. No dual 2.7 there. Am i being dumb here or has no one actually tried to buy the dual 2.7 recently?

I could also add in the problem with the AMD chipsets on that computer... but i won't.


In all of this discussion, I don't recall you mentioning what you use now for your DAW?

As far as the Link did you try to call the number on line or have you tried to contact the nearest Apple store in the UK?

Also how much money are we talking about adding to the cost of an older PCI dual 2Ghz model that you buy from a US retailer? If you get a good enough price, it may yet still be worth it. I wouldn't just give up on that avenue. There are still units in the storerooms of many of the Music stores that sell Macs here:

http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/control ... Navigation

IF that link doesn't work you can navigate to it on this site: http://www.bhphotovideo.com

UAD Bundle Month