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For Christ's sake.. hang it up!!


Venerated Member
The STooges record blows a dead mans nut sack on a hot, hung-over day, after eating a bunch of curry the night before and drinking unfiltered Vodka chased with Pepsi.

Why can't they just call it quits? :evil:
I think Metallica, Iggy & the Stooges and most of the other come back Kings & Queens need to have their own reality show and for the season finally, they all get together and drink a Jim JOnestown mascare cocktail and end this whole f**king charade. 8)

This is Noise Pollution!!!!!!

Not even Steve Albini could makes this sh*t eatable.

I've had it! :twisted:

Sweet Jesus, I just realized I finished a whole pot of coffee... THank goodness it's my day off... :D


Active Member
You forgot to mention Van Halen!!!

Holy crap!!! I was obsessed with this guy growing up, trying to sound like him, etc...

After I saw a show on the last tour, at 37 years old, all those illusions REALLY came crashing down.

Eddie Van Halen needs mental help. I guess he is getting some kind of treatment now...not sure for what.


Sadly, left this world before his time.
Sparky2 said:
You forgot to mention Van Halen!!!
Sad indeed. I saw (on video) his appearance at a recent show for Fender and I felt so bad. He's like a ghost of himself.

OTOH, who knows how Hendrix would have ended up, had he not died that young. Same for Joplin, Morrison etc.


Active Member
Akis said:
Sparky2 said:
You forgot to mention Van Halen!!!
Sad indeed. I saw (on video) his appearance at a recent show for Fender and I felt so bad. He's like a ghost of himself.
You mean he's losing his touch as a player too? Say it ain't so! I haven't seen anything he's done in the past 5 years or so...


Sadly, left this world before his time.
T-Dogg said:
Akis said:
Sparky2 said:
You forgot to mention Van Halen!!!
Sad indeed. I saw (on video) his appearance at a recent show for Fender and I felt so bad. He's like a ghost of himself.
You mean he's losing his touch as a player too? Say it ain't so! I haven't seen anything he's done in the past 5 years or so...
I believe the answer to that is no, but see for yourself:



Sadly, left this world before his time.
BTLG said:
add the chili peppers to the 'hang it up' list as well.

Like.... 3 albums ago.
Up to and including 'By the way' (my favourite) everything was fine IMO. The next one, I listened to it once; tried to a second time... couldn't be bothered.


Active Member
Cool link, thanx for that Akis... Something about his demeanor definately seems a bit \"off\" -- listening to him talk makes me uncomfortable or something... but he can still shred :!:


Established Member
To me, \"By The Way\" sounded like the phoned in version of the sub par \"Californication\".... but hey, everyones got opinions.


Active Member
Here in Canada, those 70's 80's icons like Trooper, Nazareth, April Wine, Honeymoon Suite are now playing the clubs I was playing when I was on the road in the 90's playin the bar star role. For cripes-sake, these bands only have like one original member still playing, and that is usually the lead singer...in some instances, it ain't even the lead singer.

Freakin Bay City Rollers played at the Casino here in Edmonton last month...maybe a couple hundred people...we'll be playing there next month...

Rotten bastards had their day in the sun and now they are using the past glory to play the only clubs left for us \"never-was\" who might still have a shot at something. Piss me off...If I am 50 years old still sluggin away in the clubs, you have permission to wait outside after the gig and mercifully shoot me in the freakin head! :lol:


Cass Anawaty said:
I'd say they would have ended up as they did.
It's always nice to think so, but I guess we can't know for sure. People say the same sort of thing about Cliff Burton from Metallica, and that if he had stayed around, they wouldn't have become that MTV frat-rock band that we all know and love, but if you look back to the basketball shoe, blue spandex Hetfield or the feather-headed gold chain wearing Lars from Kill 'Em All, would anyone have seen which way they were headed? :wink:
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