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*FREE* SSL compressor plug in

Giles117 DP

Active Member
Tghanks for the info.

Giles117 DP

Active Member
This thing sounds cool :)

I can use this for certain :)

Dave Bourke

Active Member
Anyone else having trouble with the PDF ReadMe in Preview? The font is just gobbledygook (looks like a whole bunch of control characters).

Kind regards.


Active Member
Thanks. I am curious to hear this. I wonder why they are doing this?

MASSIVE Mastering

Active Member
DUDE: \"Hey dude - I've got a compression plugin - You should hear it. It's terrible!\"

SSL DUDE: \"How bad could it possibly be?\"

DUDE: \"It sounds like the talkback compressor on the 'E' series.\"

SSL DUDE: \"Wow! We could charge thousands of pounds for it!\"

DUDE: \"No - You don't understand - It sounds like the talkback compressor on the 'E' series\" (to waiter) \"Um, just a green tea, please...\"

SSL DUDE: (Also to waiter) \"I think I'll have a Sam Adams...\"


SSL DUDE: \"So, it's pretty bad, huh...?\"

DUDE: \"Well, yeah. It sounds like...\"

SSL DUDE: \"Yeah, yeah, I know. The Talkback compressor on the 'E' series.\" (Sigh...) \"I suppose we could make it a freeware plugin - Then the digital people won't think that we've abadoned them...\"

DUDE: \"Uh huh. Freeware. Everyone on the planet can say they use SSL!\"

SSL DUDE: \"Whoa! Hadn't thought of that... Let's just make it for Mac. Then only 1.5% of people can use it!\"

DUDE: \"Brilliant!\"

SSL DUDE: \"So, did you see me overtake that lorry on the carriageway in my mototrcar whilst I was on holiday?\"

DUDE: \"Excuse me?\"

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
Try it as a drums bus compressor, it works well there.

Dave Bourke

Active Member
Can you guys read the ReadMe that comes with it? All I can see is hieroglyphics...

Kind regards.


I got the same thing on mac, but when I opened the pdf docs on a PC it worked for me....strangely enough!


Active Member
Too bad the plugin doesnt work the same way.. I am a compressor junky, and this is an ODD one to have been modeled. I would love to be able to use it.


Dave Bourke

Active Member
Thanks for answering, Fayth. I don't own a PC but I can get access to one at any time. I think this is a case of \"made on a PC, not tested on a Mac.\"

Kind regards.

pony down

true it sounds crap.. what i found out tho is that it reveals room and reverb in a quite interesting way on drums say like on a sampled snare etc..blabla
wheres my beer
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