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g4 processor upgrade and UAD1 - please help


New Member
Hi all. I've been looking through the forum to try and find out about the above - but I couldn't see anything that could specifiaclly help.

I have a G4 Quicksilver (single 733 cpu), Cubase and UAD1 etc and I want to upgrade the processor. I was thinking of upgrading to a Sonnet dual 1.4. Firstly - does anyone know if there are any issues with processor upgrades and the UAD1 in general (single and dual upgrades)
and finally I keep seeing giga processors mentioned but no mention of Sonnet - is that because Sonnet are not as good?

I do not want to upgrade to a G5. I know a lot of people reccommend this - but this is just not an affordable option at the moment

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance


Giles117 DP

Active Member
Best choice is a gigadesigns upgrade

I used a dual G4 upgrade on my Quicksilver 800 with UAD cards internally mounted and in a Magma Chassis

Currently they have dual 1.6 and dual 1.8



Universal Audio
UA Official
I have heard successful reports with both the Gigadesign and Sonnet upgrades. However, technically we don't officially support any proc upgrades.

The Beatsmith

Active Member
shhh, don't tell UA, but i have a single gigadesigns 1.4ghz and a UAD-1 and it works a treat

it's simply an upgrade, the computer doesn't act any differently or anything, it's just faster, so there can't be/isn't any compatability problems - unless you have too much stuff in your case and it drains your powersupply (probably fine).

i can't decide to go for a dual upgrade to hold me off until the intels come out, or to just stay as i am...

new 7448 chips are supposed to be out soon which are quicker than the 7447 (more cache) so i'm waiting on them. if they're never released then... i'll just not upgrade then...



Universal Audio
UA Official
The Beatsmith said:
shhh, don't tell UA, but i have a single gigadesigns 1.4ghz and a UAD-1 and it works a treat
Actually if any of you have proc upgrades that are working fine, I would definitely like to know (email me directly preferably). It's not that we don't want people to use proc upgrades, it's just that we do not have the resources to purchase and rigorously test all the ones out there, so positive reports back from users would be most appreciated. Thanks.

Quan Jr.

I've been running the GigaDesign dual 1.8GHz on a dual processor 533MHz G4 with OSX 10.4.4 and the UAD-1 :D 8) :D
G4/450 \"Sawtooth\" upgraded to 1.3 GHz with a GigaDesigns upgrade. It's peachy, except STILL not enough power for what I want to do. That's hardly the UAD-1's fault, though. ;)

Scott Stillwell
FWIW, I started with UAD1 on a 9500 (!) running a Sonnet upgrade, and it ran fine. Then moved to a G3 with Sonnett, and that was fine as well. I realise both machines are older than yours, but bottom line was I had no problems with sonnet, good value for money at the time, but believe me,
my current 2.5 G5 (with 2x UAD's) is in a different league. I kept saying I couldn't afford one, but I sold my Granny...(these things just have to be done).



New Member
UAD1 and processor upgrades?

Does anyone know of any issues with using UAD1 card with a OWC Mercury Extreme upgrade?
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