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New Member
I was told by a fellow enginner that using the G5 slots and the UAD card may cause the uad card to malfunction because of the different specs?My dual has 3 pci x slots not the new e slots will I have a problem?


Giles117 DP

Active Member
No problems here.

Big Truck

New Member
Giles117 DP said:
No problems here.
hey giles .. what slot is your uad card in ? (what does system profiler say? )

and is your powercore card a pci or firewire ?

i have a powercore firewire and a uad card on slot 4 ... having some stability problems ...

Giles117 DP

Active Member
UAD in slot 3, Powercore in slot 2. No issues.

PCI-424 card in slot 4

Big Truck

New Member
Giles117 DP said:
UAD in slot 3, Powercore in slot 2. No issues.

PCI-424 card in slot 4
thanks for that giles ...but what is pci-424 ?

is the video card in slot 1 ?

have you just poped these in or is the order recomended by someone ??

Giles117 DP

Active Member
Big Truck said:
[quote="Giles117 DP":20rwi8k9]UAD in slot 3, Powercore in slot 2. No issues.

PCI-424 card in slot 4
thanks for that giles ...but what is pci-424 ?

is the video card in slot 1 ?

have you just poped these in or is the order recomended by someone ??[/quote:20rwi8k9]

Slot 4 is a sep bus, so I place my PCI-424 card in that slot (MOTU PCI audio interface card)

Slots 2/3 are the same PCI Buss, slot 1 is the AGP Card.

Big Truck

New Member
Giles117 DP said:
Slot 4 is a sep bus, so I place my PCI-424 card in that slot (MOTU PCI audio interface card)

Slots 2/3 are the same PCI Buss, slot 1 is the AGP Card.
so if i dont have a pci interface ... which i don't .. then i should put my uad in there - slot 4

when you say - sep bus ...what do you mean ?


New Member
I am using 3 uad-1 cards in the three PCI-X slots in my Dual 2.7 G5 and it works great. (see signature for my complete set up). This entire setup is rock steady...I have 30 powered plug in's (mostly Fairchild, 1176LN, Pultec; LA2A) plus Cubase SX and Waves plug in's; plus my external effects all running fine with firewire audio interface and so far up to 25 audio tracks. (I don't use MIDI).

Hope this helps.

[NOTE: I can get about 82% total utilization of the three cards. After that, if I add one too many powered plug-ins then the native CPU goes to red and crashes everything. (This is a known problem with the G5 but it doesn't really limit me in practice).]

Giles117 DP

Active Member
Big Truck said:
when you say - sep bus ...what do you mean ?
Sep = separate (sorry for missing the period)

Big Truck

New Member
Giles117 DP said:
[quote="Big Truck":nt3pijdp]
when you say - sep bus ...what do you mean ?
Sep = separate (sorry for missing the period)[/quote:nt3pijdp]

yeah .. kindof knew that ... i mean what do you mean by separate ? separate from what ?

Giles117 DP

Active Member
Your G5 has 3 PCI Busses, 1 @ 133 Mhz, 2 @ 100Mhz and the AGP 16x Bus......

Big Truck

New Member
Giles117 DP said:
Your G5 has 3 PCI Busses, 1 @ 133 Mhz, 2 @ 100Mhz and the AGP 16x Bus......
listen giles .. i appreciate that you obviously know a lot about macs etc … and that’s why I come onto this forum …hoping that someone like you knows the answers :lol: … but .. you don’t give much away for nowt do ya ? .. but thanks anyway … I assume that the 133 MHz bus is the separate bus you were talking about and that slots 2 and 3 are the 100 MHz .. I also assume that the faster bus would be the better option to fit the uad card … assumingly – Big truck :wink:

Giles117 DP

Active Member
Big Truck said:
[quote="Giles117 DP":2ggd7rf5]Your G5 has 3 PCI Busses, 1 @ 133 Mhz, 2 @ 100Mhz and the AGP 16x Bus......
listen giles .. i appreciate that you obviously know a lot about macs etc … and that’s why I come onto this forum …hoping that someone like you knows the answers :lol: … but .. you don’t give much away for nowt do ya ? .. but thanks anyway … I assume that the 133 MHz bus is the separate bus you were talking about and that slots 2 and 3 are the 100 MHz .. I also assume that the faster bus would be the better option to fit the uad card … assumingly – Big truck :wink:[/quote:2ggd7rf5]

Experimentation is the key. Just because it works for me with the UAD and Powercore on the same Buss (slots 2 & 3) doesnt mean it will work for you..

Big Truck

New Member
Giles117 DP said:
Experimentation is the key. Just because it works for me with the UAD and Powercore on the same Buss (slots 2 & 3) doesnt mean it will work for you..
gee ...thanks :roll:

Giles117 DP

Active Member
I am trying to be as helpful as I can.

The next step is to look at what you have installed on your system that may be interfering.

I have a dedicated login for my Music production with superminimal stuff running.

I dont recall you listing what DAW you are using. All those things are facotrs, what is your audio interface, etc.....

Big Truck

New Member
Giles117 DP said:
I am trying to be as helpful as I can.

The next step is to look at what you have installed on your system that may be interfering.

I have a dedicated login for my Music production with superminimal stuff running.

I dont recall you listing what DAW you are using. All those things are facotrs, what is your audio interface, etc.....
yeah i know you are ...sorry :oops: i have a dedicated music set up too . i use logic ...which has always had problems with the uad - with a digi 002 .. [/quote]

Giles117 DP

Active Member
Ah the digi 002. The Digi core audio driveer is possibly your culprit. it never has been friendly even with the latest rewrite.
or are you using DAE???

Big Truck

New Member
Giles117 DP said:
Ah the digi 002. The Digi core audio driveer is possibly your culprit. it never has been friendly even with the latest rewrite.
or are you using DAE???
no the digi core driver ... :cry: and yes .. there are problems ... always with pro tools ...why are they the only ones who do things differently :roll: for the last 6 months ..i've been having to open up the driver before i open up logic ...if i dont ..logic crashes immediately ..whats that all about ??? :?

Giles117 DP

Active Member
It's about DIGI desire that all use their software.....EXCLUSIVELY....
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