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G5's (dual core?) and UAD ?


Hi all,

Been away for some years ( used to be alhafvar) but i'm back .. used an UAD on a pc before and after my apple powerbook got stolen and the insurance decided to be nice to me i'm in the proces of buying a G5 2* 2,3 but after hearing the news of the upcoming dual cores .. i would rather have 4 cores with 1 mb cache each ..


anyway anybody know what it will be ?
50% to 80% power should be really welcome !
but will they work with the UAD ?


also i would like to buy logic pro .. if you buy logic pro with a g5 you get $500 discount but it have to be bought before 30th of november ! ... so i hope apple gives us the good news really soon ...

I also heard apple updates your order if they release newer top models in like 4 week after you made your order .. i tryed to find it in there conditions on apple.com but haven't found much .. so if somebody know and could give me a link to an apple document or webpage it would REALLY welcome due of the time limit of buying logic pro cheap!!!

I also got a midiman delta 1010 .. according to their site it will work with the 2.3 dual processor .. and so would the UAD

but did anybody tryed this combination with logic pro and how were their experiences ?

thanks in advance !


Active Member
sit tight - i too am waiting on news of the new G5's - the current line up is pretty stale in terms of cpu power....

the announcement is due(?) tomorrow, the 12th - so we don't have long to wait...

until they ship though, no-one's gonna really know if they work with the uad...

It's likely tho that the majority of the mainboard will remain the same - AMD controllers included....



the 12th ? are you sure ? you got a source like a weblink or something ?

btw found some ppz here having problems with the delta 1010 and the midiman approved g5's .. anybody got it working with the uad without 12ms or am i doomed with this combo ? also heard some old news with midiman replacing the pci card .. but that wouldn't fix the dma master problem right ? ( grrr on pc this combo works as smooth as hell)

and yes .. i like to sit sight ! upfront sh#t is where it's at ! :wink:


Active Member



You mean that changing my audio interface will not fix my the UAD DMA/ Buss signals issue ?

I thought that the delta 1010 is wrong device here .. so if i get a better audio interface the uad will work nicely ..

Or do you mean that changing the pci card of the delta 1010 doesn't do anything about the dma issues that the delta has ( NOT the the UAD .. right ??)

i'm a little confused now !

And thanks for the links .... missed the new thinksecret page !
today is the day ! :D


well no new dual core machines YET !

\"In related news, in an effort not to detract from today's iPod announcement -- iPod revenue now accounts for a third of Apple's total revenue -- Apple is expected to deliver the rumored upgrades to its Macs either later this week or early next, sources said.\"



New Member
With today's new iMac sporting DDR2 RAM and internal PCI-Express, it does seem a new PowerMac might be near.

Curious though, would the UAD-1 be compatible with a PCI-Express Mac? I thought I had read somewhere that PCI-Express was not PCI backwards compatible, so how are current PC's handling it?

(Sorry if this has been covered, the forum search function times out.)


read that the pc express is not backward compatible with pci
i thought that on a PC this is possible .. but i'm not sure

here is some old thinksecret news :

The new Power Mac G5 system will feature neither PCI-X 2.0 nor PCI Express slots. Both technologies represent, at least for the short term, the future of expansion slot technologies. PCI Express in particular is especially suited for audio and video applications, and graphics card developers such as NVIDIA already offer a number of high-end PCI Express solutions.


but i think we need a uad with a pci express then ..
mmm .. hope they change it for free .. but will take 2 years for UA to build i think ..


Active Member
http://www.pcisig.com/specifications/pc ... resources/

From its initial release at 0.8V, 2.5GHz, the PCI Express technology roadmap will continue to evolve, while maintaining backward compatibility, well into the next decade with enhancements to its protocol, signaling, electromechanical and other specifications. The PCI Express architecture retains the PCI usage model and software interfaces for investment protection and smooth development migration.


mmm .. maybe the pci express is only used for video ..
but you mean that pci express is ALWAYS backward compatible with the old pci ? ( both on mac en pc ? )

also there are new rumours :

A revision to Apple's Power Mac G5, rumored for a month now, should finally emerge next week with three configurations, sources have indicated

The high-end Power Mac is expected to top $3,000. While exact specifications could not be confirmed, the high-end model is likely to feature dual dual-core PowerPC 970MP processors, while the low-end and mid-range Power Macs may pack dual single-core processors or single dual-cores.

DDR2 memory and PCI-Express video cards, as previously reported and featured on the new iMac G5, are also expected to find their way into the new Power Macs. The new systems are expected to start shipping in quantity in about three weeks, like new iMacs, sources said.

While release dates for hardware revisions are often subject to change, sources believe -- at time of publication -- that the new G5 is set for announcement next week.

PowerBooks, in dire need of an update, may also arrive alongside the Power Macs, although details there remain fuzzy. The update may prove less substantial than some have hoped for, as Apple continues to plan significant updates around forthcoming Intel-based systems.



New Member
Apple has announced a special event to unveil some \"pro innovations\"...that's what you were waiting for :)

Apple Computer is once again gathering the press together as it rolls out new innovations. The latest invitation-only event will be held in New York City on October 19, 2005 on the eve of PhotoPlus Expo. Apple doesn’t say exactly what the press conference will be about, but the invitation sent to MacCentral asks to join them as “we unveil Apple’s latest pro innovations.”

This will be the third special product focused event that Apple has held in just over a month. On September 7, Apple launched the iPod nano and just this week they unveiled the video iPod and new iMac.


Active Member
Looks like Apple is finally putting out updates before school starts and x-mas.

I always thought they were releasing at the wrong times.

Gimme a new G5!


yeaa i've read it .. but this must be it ! if steve don't deliver this time i'll go for a normal dual 2,3 ghz because i can't wait anymore .. got 3500 euro's waiting .. it starting to burn !


oke i decided !

i just bought a dual 2 ghz g5 with pci slots ..
it's like half of the price what a quad costs and i only have to change my soundcard ..

I'll buy a quad when the intels are presented .. the prices will be lower than .. and i can use the dual 2 ghz g5 as a node for extra dsp stuff

also i haven't decided on the soundcard .. i can get a second hand multiface + pci .. but think the guy has a too high price in his mind .. like 575 euro when i heard some guys sell this one for 650 euro new ..

what do you think will be a nice price for a 0,5 year old multiface ?

i'm also thinking about getting a firewire .. cause then i have more uad slots left .. 3 .. but i'll have to see what has a nice price .. thniking about the fw800 ( recording 10 inputs at once !) the motu hd896 or the traveler ( both can record only 8 racks at once)

any body worked with those firewire products and a pci g5 and uad ?

thanks !


New Member
I have a dual 2.7 G5 and a MOTU Traveler. It is functionally perfect. I never have to touch the thing or even much think about it. The front panel metering is cool to have, and overall it sounds good. We've been tracking live vocals without needing to use the internal routing, since the latency is nice and low. All tight, all good.

But I had been waiting for the Mackie Onyx 400F to ship since April. I'm very interested to read some reviews on its behavior in OS X now that it is (supposedly) shipping. From its Onyx pre-amps to its AKM converters, I'm thinking it will have more character than the Traveler.

Btw, I bought a $33 Firewire400 PCI card to host the Traveler and give it a separate bus. This wasn't out of necessity, since it was also working fine on the built-in Firewire, but it's nice to have the option.

My first UAD-1 card is on order right now (a Flexi Pak, since I'm only interested in UA's dynamics plug-ins), so I can let you know how that goes in a week or so. Hopefully.


kernelg said:
I have a dual 2.7 G5 and a MOTU Traveler. It is functionally perfect. I never have to touch the thing or even much think about it. The front panel metering is cool to have, and overall it sounds good. We've been tracking live vocals without needing to use the internal routing, since the latency is nice and low. All tight, all good.

But I had been waiting for the Mackie Onyx 400F to ship since April. I'm very interested to read some reviews on its behavior in OS X now that it is (supposedly) shipping. From its Onyx pre-amps to its AKM converters, I'm thinking it will have more character than the Traveler.

Btw, I bought a $33 Firewire400 PCI card to host the Traveler and give it a separate bus. This wasn't out of necessity, since it was also working fine on the built-in Firewire, but it's nice to have the option.

My first UAD-1 card is on order right now (a Flexi Pak, since I'm only interested in UA's dynamics plug-ins), so I can let you know how that goes in a week or so. Hopefully.
you know of the pci x problems ? you can use only 1 uad card in the pci slot unless you buy a magma frame ! search the forum !


New Member
Of course I know. I don't buy things without research. Why are you yelling? :lol:

I'm only buying one UAD-1 right now. My eBay account has automatic alerts for \"Magma PCI,\" in case I really like it. It's all good.


Active Member
kernelg said:
Of course I know. I don't buy things without research. Why are you yelling? :lol:

I'm only buying one UAD-1 right now. My eBay account has automatic alerts for "Magma PCI," in case I really like it. It's all good.
OH you're gonna like it! There really isn't much out there like this product. Great plugs and DSP too!



New Member
Thanks, Trace. I believe I will. Right now, I'm getting it for the Precision Limiter most of all, and a couple other \"expensive\" plug-ins where the AMD 8131 bug in the G5's PCI controller won't matter much. We'll see how accustomed I get to using LA2A all over my mixes, though. I hear good things. :wink:


kernelg said:
Of course I know. I don't buy things without research. Why are you yelling? :lol:

I'm only buying one UAD-1 right now. My eBay account has automatic alerts for "Magma PCI," in case I really like it. It's all good.

but maybe you meant dorky .. :wink:

and yes magma's are oke if you're willing to pay the price .. here in europe you have to buy new one's .. no second hands for a reasenable price !

good luck !
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