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Gain reduction meters not working in Precision Multiband

I've just installed the UAD4.1 driver and was trying to set up the new Precision Multiband plug-in. 2 things I found so far:
- The gain reduction meters are not working. I have set all bands to compression and I hear the compression, but I don't see it on the gain reduction meters.
- It seems it's not possible to really eliminate a band. You can press the E button per band, but then the band it still using up some bandwidth. What I mean is: how can I make for example a 3 band compressor with 2 crossoverpoints? Just turning off 2 bands is not enough. Then you're left off with some bandwidth of the bands you turned off. Am I missing something here?

Setup: G5 dual 2 GHz, Logic Pro 7.1.1,MacOS10.4.3, RME Fireface800, UAD4.1
UAD Bundle Month