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Go Native


New Member
Why don't you, at UA, go for native plugs?

Now that Quad or even 8 cores are available, why do we still have to deal with CPU overload, whenever the UA DSP usage is high.

I don't want to be limited anymore.
I would buy more plugs if there could be any solution for my plugs to run without the need of the DSP onto the card.
Don't wan't to buy more cards, as there will be the same issue at one time or another.

please, free us from DSP power limitation!!

go Native...that's future...


Giles117 DP

Active Member
Or... To retain the need for the UAD card and to keep Piracy at bay.... Place more of the processor intensive code on the CPU while still maintining NECESSARY code on the Mpact Chip.....

That way the little windows coders who manage to crack dongles cant.. as the chp is STILL required for certain sections of Code...

Sort of a Hybrid Plugin....

Of course I have no clue how much of an undertaking that would be, but the good part is you'd only have to write it for intel chips.....


Established Member
Sounds interesting however x86 assembly code on a MPACT is different for an Intel, AMD or indeed a PowerPC processor which may require some sort of wrapper. Now with that, you could wrap the code and maintain some sort of communication, but then you add latency.

The strongest dongle you could have is actually have the UAD DSP card checked at kernel level which rules out the need for any other rudimentary 3rd party checks and will reduce any latency greatly.

I may be wrong, it won't be the last time.


Even if I'm not a dongle lover, I'd be glad to have a UAD native version protected by iLok...

I think they could hire some programmers to do the code translations needed (if that's the problem...), I'm sure that money would be well invested...


Established Member
The problem is both those so-called protection systems have been cracked by people, so far to my knowledge UAD, Powercore and other related systems haven't been.


I guess UA would SELL many more plugins if they would go native.
I love my UA-Plugins but I am considering to switch to native Plugins as I get \"more\" out of it. I don't want to spend $400 for another card, to run more instances of my Neve 33609 f.e.

Other companies like Sonnox did the jump, and there are more to follow.


Active Member
just a quick thought then, how much would it cost you to run one hardware 33609?

i know software is software and everyone wants more more more, but try to think in recording studio terms. how many 1176's, la3a's, 33609's, 1081 would you find in a world class studio?

then think what you can run on a uad or two.

it's not about how many can my cpu run, it's more a case of: at this *quality* how many do i need?



I agree with you JamesR, it doesn't make sense to use an 33609 on every bus, but that's not the point.

the point is that native versions would be also a great comfort for all - imagine you could use your UA-plugins on more computers (if they were dongle protected). iMac and MacBook users could use them too ;)

I know this won't happen soon, because they want to sell their dsp-hardware, but I won't invest in dsp-plugins anymore. (sure that doesn't interest anyone ;)


Active Member
Go to Alien!

I don't know why some people make this no-sense discussion about \"go to Native\" when in some forum's thread word \"UAD- plugin\" appears.

I have a G5 Dual 2ghz with PCI cards (not PCI-X or PCIe) with LP8 and 2X Uad-1 cards...

I tried to test the Logic 8 Demo song \"plaid-faster stereo\" and I remove all Native compressors and Space-designer and I have replaced them with uad plugins, also I use Chamber EQ and Precision Limiter instead master plugins

I have some screenshot of this test.... (but I'm not allowed to post web address here)
if someone had to be interested to see the result of this unofficial test contact me by email

this does not want to be a scientific technical test, but filler which happens practically in those specific conditions

My answer about \"Go to natiive\" is : Go To Alien! :)


visit my web site


New Member
that post's purpose was to point to the fact that I don't believe that UAD plugs are the best sounding plugs anymore..now that you have the FLUX compressor for ex. (or Waves SSL), that ARE native and sound even slightly better than those we have on the UAD-1, plus the possibility to use way more instances of those plugs because we're NOT limitated by the DSP power available.

I do repeat that now that we have multi cores computers, DSP are not really useful. Why do ya think are there so many former TDM only plugs that are now working on a native system?

DSP power is a technology of the near past. That's all.
It is more, nowadays, a limitation rather than a help!

that's my opinion.javascript:emoticon(':|')


Established Member
Yes that's all very well, however I still run a single-core AMD (it's old I know, I need too update) and therefore I benefit from the DSP acceleration. Whether the technology is available or not, making prerequisite demands and wasting development time on things that most people won't have is a bit narrow-minded if you ask me.

How do you propose the investment is secured?


Active Member
dido1 said:
that post's purpose was to point to the fact that I don't believe that UAD plugs are the best sounding plugs anymore..now that you have the FLUX compressor for ex. (or Waves SSL), that ARE native and sound even slightly better than those we have on the UAD-1,

that's my opinion.javascript:emoticon(':|')
The sound is only one psychological and subjective perception and you are in the right way, I'm totally agree with you about this point!

That's why I said there is a no-sense ask UAD to go to native... I think... (only my opinion), but the better way is "stay to alien" for many reason... one of the reason is the value ... economic investment... did you try to sell a Native Plugs on eBay?

The same reason there are with Digidesign DSP!

for my personal acoustic perception, the actual UAD-plugins sounds better than ever and better than Digidesign TDM Plugs!

Roland/Neve suites are absolutely great perfect sound emulation!



The main advantage of native versions for me would be no more extra latency. This fucks up the workflow, when you want to add another virtual instrument part, etc .... -bernd


With Sonnox Native being cracked so fast I doubt we will ever see a native UAD. My guess is a rackmountable powerhouse box with a PCIe interface. I'd buy it as long as I could transfer all my licenses over to it.



The cost is not problem for me.
The problem is I still can't go to Laptop machine...

But the Duende and the Powercore are fine because they use FireWire.
I'm thinking to sell all my UAD card and plugin and switch to Duende+PoCo...

Giles117 DP

Active Member
tunetown said:
I thought that's what the xpander was for


Laptop connectivity. It still uses the same chip though. Be better if it were much more powerful.

Also they ONLY support express card. The others support Firewire. That would have solved the expansion chassis debacle a LONG time ago...


Giles117 DP said:
Also they ONLY support express card. The others support Firewire. That would have solved the expansion chassis debacle a LONG time ago...
yeah, that's the one of big problem because MacBook doesn't have it...
Or if xpander can be expandable dsp power, that'll be fine.
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