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Go-to plug-in vocal processing chain

Matt Hepworth

Master of the UADiverse
Forum Admin
Just wanted to get some comments on how a lot of us are processing our main rock vocals, plug-in wise.

Pretty much money for me on male vocals is RVox doing just the gating/downward expansion just enough to diminish low level noise, then into the LA-2A, then into the 1073 (I like a little flavor). After that, I use the Dream Verb with a tweaked Plate 140 on one aux and the Wizoo W2 on a hall setting on another aux. I'll blend the two reverbs however fits the song. Sometimes none.


Venerated Member

I usually start of with a little filtering using the Waves 2 band R.EQ, to filter out sub lows. Maybe pad down the super high stuff.
Next up is the old LA2A. Depends on the sound, but I rarely go over 4db of compression.
Then 1073.... and maybe the P.Desser....

If I need verb I usually bus out to 2 kinds of reverb using the Waves IR1.
But I'm not to into reverbs..... I'd rather track with the reverb and, print it doubling the original vocal and put that behind the dry vocal.
Mostly I like busing the vocal to a stereo Pitch shifter, short delay or Doubler and compressing the crap out of it and gently mixing it under the original vocal, just to give it some space/ aural enhancement.

neil wilkes

Venerated Member
There is no \"Go-To\" chain.
It really depends on the vocalist, their technique, their sound, how it was recorded, what you are looking for etc.
I have a few saved setups that I will try out though....
1 - LA2A/Neve 1073
2 - Neve 88RS
3 - URS Strip Pro.
All other processing is effects and/or surgery.

With the new plugin preset handling in Nuendo 4, this is all much easier to audition now as well:
A - Plugin settings are now a breeze to audition. Solo the vocal, load the (for example) Neve 88RS strip, and access the presets. As you scroll down the list during playback, the settings of each preset are immediately applied & audible.
B - Track Presets.
This is really cool, as you can preview whole track settings - and therefore plugin chains too (as long as you saved the chain as a track preset, that is)
1. Cambridge as Lowcut
2. LA-2A in compress mode
3. LA-3A in limit mode
4. Pultec or Neve EQ
5. Delay

For backing vocals I often use the Neve 88RS


New Member
neil wilkes said:
There is no "Go-To" chain.
It really depends on the vocalist, their technique, their sound, how it was recorded, what you are looking for etc.
I have a few saved setups that I will try out though....
1 - LA2A/Neve 1073
2 - Neve 88RS
3 - URS Strip Pro.
All other processing is effects and/or surgery.

With the new plugin preset handling in Nuendo 4, this is all much easier to audition now as well:
A - Plugin settings are now a breeze to audition. Solo the vocal, load the (for example) Neve 88RS strip, and access the presets. As you scroll down the list during playback, the settings of each preset are immediately applied & audible.
B - Track Presets.
This is really cool, as you can preview whole track settings - and therefore plugin chains too (as long as you saved the chain as a track preset, that is)
That depends on whether or not as a producer, you have a signature sound you like.. or just a few tools you know and love.

You can always use LA2A for example, if thats all you have - you dont have to use the same settings.

For me vocals are all about the the signal chain before you mix anyway..

Pultec Pro>La2A

Then Either UAD DD on a send or Waves Doubler set to a split harmonizer
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