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Good news for those who own the 32bit/33Hz old magma


Active Member
I got reply from magma about the PCIe to PCI solution for those who own the pci to pci magma, here is the content:-


Thank you for your inquiry. You are in luck. Our engineering department will be releasing a PCI Express host card that will function with our current PCI Expansion systems that have the black, round cable. The price of the PCI Express host card will be $299.00 & should be released in the next couple of months.


Paul Woodlock

Established Member
This is good news, but ....... $299 !!!!!!!

Host cards in the UK are about £275. which is about $495 :eek: :eek: :evil: :evil: :evil:


Active Member
This is good news, but ....... $299 !!!!!!!
That's crazy....I only paid $190 for my 7 slot Magma with a PCI card and cable. It was brand new factory \"B\" stock, returned to them because of shipping damage, it had a slight dent on the side, which you can't see when it is in the rack. Magma still made a profit on the sale, so what do you think their cost is ?


.mr chris

Active Member
him said:
I got reply from magma about the PCIe to PCI solution for those who own the pci to pci magma, here is the content: [...]
cool 8) thanks for the info!


him said:
...a PCI Express host card that will function with our current PCI Expansion systems that have the black, round cable.
Black, round cable? Mine has a flat, gray cable! Does this mean i'm f*cked?

Mark Edmonds

Active Member
Thank you for the news! :) I don't need this yet but it does mean I have a guaranteed PCI capability for the foreseeable future :)



Active Member
Mark Edmonds said:
Thank you for the news! :) I don't need this yet but it does mean I have a guaranteed PCI capability for the foreseeable future :)

It maybe a new cable for pcie connecting to pci ! :roll:
Anyway, it means that we can use our old magma for another 5-6 years at least!! :lol:
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