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Graphics Glitches with RealVerb Pro


Is anyone else experiencing graphics glitches with RealVerb Pro?

I've got a brand new system (DP 4.61, PCI-424, UAD 4.3 Studio Pak, Tiger 10.4.6, Dual 2GHz G5 PCI-X, 3GB RAM, etc.)

I've just installed UAD-1 (v 4.3) for the first time and have been testing the plugins for the last couple of days. Two or three times, so far, when I bring up Realverb Pro it comes up scrambled with duplicated sliders and other on-screen elements. Very unsuable like that. One time, quiting and relaunching DP fixed it; one time it didn't. Other plugs seem fine, but Realverb Pro seems unreliable graphically.

Is this a known issue? Is this new to 4.3? (I've never used an earlier version.) Is it unique to certain setups (e.g., DP 4, G5, etc.)?





yeah....i'm getting them with dp4.61, pci 424, uad 4.3 studio pak, tiger 10.4.6 and a dual g4.

i upgraded to dp5 but i haven't checked yet to see if the problem is still there. i do agree that the problem came when i updated uad to 4.3.


Thanks for the reply! I'm curious to know if DP 5 makes any difference, since I'll be using that soon enough. If it *is* 4.3 related, I suppose we could downgrade to 4.2 (since it seems like most of the updates in 4.3 were for Logic issues), but then there's the Neve EQ demo w/ 4.3, too..

Other RealPro graphics reports? Is it 4.3-related? DP related? Keep 'em comin'!



yeah. i'll check it tonight and see if dp5 fixed it. i got the neve plugins yesterday! javascript:emoticon(':D')


just checked and it looks like dp5 fixed it. so something with 4.3 (uad) and dp4.61 must not be compatible. i also noticed that in 4.61 that dp cpu processor was spiking irradictly and causing playback issues. i haven't tested that out in 5 yet. we'll see in a few weeks when i do a new session.

Dave Bourke

Active Member
Babz et al,

DP 4.61, PCI-424, UAD 4.3/Studio Pak, Panther 10.3.9, G4 dual 800.

I don't normally use RealVerb Pro since I prefer the PoCo verbs, but I've just tried this now and yes, I got the doubled controls. I deleted the instance, reinstantiated, and all was back to normal. Couldn't get it to recur.

I've never seen this before UAD-1 4.3.

Kind regards.


New Member
Hey gang, It's not just a DP issue. I have the same problem in Logic 7.2.1. I haven't seen it until I upgraded to 4.3. It dosen't always happen. It seems sort of random. Everytime it has happened though, it's been on a bus. Hope this helps for the tech support folks.


delete instance?

hey, dave..what do you mean when you say \"deleted instance and reinstated\"? how do you do that? oh, and i'm still getting some weird cpu spikes in dp5 with the 4.3 uad. when i turn off the uad plugins the cpu weirdness goes away. hmm.

Dave Bourke

Active Member
You delete a plug-in instance in DP by clicking on it in the insert slot so that it \"lights up.\" Then just hit the backspace/delete key on your keyboard and the plug-in disappears. Now you can insert another instance.

Kind regards.


oh, i see. yeah, i tried that in 4.6 and it didn't do anything to fix it. sometimes it'd get \"better\" but the problem was still there. in dp5 no graphic problems have come about, but the cpu seems unstable still. where as before with dp4.6 and uad 4.2 i never had a cpu problem.


Active Member
What does UA techsupport say?


I got same problem.
My setup is dp5, Dual G5 Mac(OSX10.4.6), and version 4.3 of UAD-1. :cry:

edited: adding OSX version

Dave Bourke

Active Member
...so I think we can all safely assume that there's a problem with RealVerb Pro in UAD v4.3, yes?

Strange that no one from UA has picked up on this thread...

Kind regards.


Active Member
Reported to UA tech support, have we?

What say they?



Hide said:
I got same problem.
My setup is dp5, Dual G5 Mac(OSX10.4.6), and version 4.3 of UAD-1. :cry:

edited: adding OSX version
Today, replaced machine and re-tried using RealVerb(UAD-1 v4.3).
It is.... working fine....on dp5 and LogicPro. :roll:
That's really strange happening.

I don't know why...but I can explain what I did.
First of all, I initialized my HDD and installed OSX Tiger.
And then, I updated to the latest OSX version 10.4.7.
Also installed dp5.01, LogicPro6.4.3 and UAD-1 version 4.3.
Previously, my setup was originally OSX Panther and upgraded to the Tiger.

This time, I formatted and did clean install of OSX Tiger...

Anyway, my problem was solved as explained above. :wink:
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