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Hardware config utility.

neil wilkes

Venerated Member
A word of advice.
Do NOT fiddle around with PCI latencies. Unless you knoe EXACTLY what you are doing, and only then as a definite, last resort on the lines of \"Cannot get a new mobo\".
This is a very bad idea, and if you need to do this to get stable operation I would considerseriously getting a better mobo.
This should not be necessary to do.


I piss around with mine all the time, so have lots of other people on this forum. I personally have never had any problems changing the latencies and it has actually helped make an already stable system even more stable.

Ive never used powerstrip tho, far to complicated, only pcidawg and lfcfg thinger......no problems here, lovely maxed out system tbh.



neil wilkes said:
A word of advice.
Do NOT fiddle around with PCI latencies. Unless you knoe EXACTLY what you are doing
good advice....

.......and let me add that the same goes for any type of explosives :)

OTH I have a reckless attitude towards these machines and have tried all kinds of stuff.
What exactly does a worst case scenario look like in a feces versus ventilation situation.?

neil wilkes

Venerated Member
Celsius said:
What exactly does a worst case scenario look like in a feces versus ventilation situation.?
Never heard it put quite that way before. :lol:

Worst case scenario is a complete refusal of the machine to even boot up correctly, with Bluescreens all over the place.
Or crackling noises, hhardware not functioning correctly, unexpected behaviour - it all depends on the fecal velocity in relation to the angular momentum of the said ventilation.

neil wilkes

Venerated Member
Something would certainly need to be cleared up - the stench would be appalling!
UAD Bundle Month