Have a listen to this song....UAD on everything.


New Member
nice song catchy riff, just add some extra lines (keyboard-trumpet?)
Like your voice,well sung ! :D
Hello Shane!

Really nice song. Wonderful vocals!

Thanks for sharing.

Milan, ITALY


Active Member

VERY nice song and recording !
Can you tell us a bit more about the gear used ? I bet the SCA stuff ;)

Also, I can't wait a new version with the Neve 1073 slapped on ! I think that is the only thing it needs :)

It is warm, yet clear.. great job !


Active Member

I've listened to this song about 4 times and I think it sounds sonically very good - I would like a little more level out of the bass but just a tad. I like the doubled vocal but I do have some suggestions.

The song sounds to similar throughout. From a producers stand point the vocal being doubled all the way through along with a very similar drum beat makes the song from the very beginning hit a plato and stay there through out. Take the listener on more of a journey and change the drum pattern do something different vocally at points etc.

There is my 2 cents - but again I really like the song over all.

Nice work!
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