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help!, first tiime UAD user needs some advice


New Member
Hi everyone. I've recently got myself a UAD-1 card and am loving the sound quality, especially the Fairchild and Cambridge EQ. I'm using it on a G4 dual 1.25 with Logic 6.4.2. However am finding that i'm getting quite a lot of pops, crackles, glitches and also synchronisation errors with Logic when the CPU meter is only reading 50% and I've only got say four or five plugins loaded.
I wondered if anyone had any good advice or tips about how to have it set up right with your sequncer and how to get it running as smooth as possible. Forinstance, what would be the best MIN_GNT value or buffer size in Logic.
thanks in advance.



Active Member
min_gnt bvest setting is 64

what soundcard you got ?


Try setting Logic's Audio buffer to 1024 (found in Audio Hardware and Drivers). I've found that when I'm mixing, and don't need to have the buffer lower for latency reasons, that things work much better with the higher buffer setting.

Give it a try....


Universal Audio
UA Official
Your MIN_GNT setting should work fine at 64 or 128 since you have a FW sound card and the MIN_GNT relates more directly to devices on the PCI bus. Using a larger buffer will definitely help as it is easier on the host a whole to be processing audio at larger buffers. Also, many users have found that a Medium process buffer works better than Large or Small, so try that as well.


Hey there!
I recently got a UAD that I run with OS 10.3.4, PT 6.4 and an MBox on my 1.8 Ghz dual G5. I have the same problem that when I push my UAD past 50% CPU, I get crazy noise and static and have to quit my session to make it go away. Under 50%, everyhting is cool. I've tried all the buffer size changes and everything else that's been recommended to me, but nothing has worked. (Re-install, de-frag, repair permissions, etc...) I'm interested to see this same problem seems to be happening with Logic as well. Could this be a more general Mac/UAD interface problem? Anyone at UA have any thoughts on this?


Universal Audio
UA Official
Hi bdangler,
I'm pretty sure what you and pfnaughty are experiencing are different. His was related to using a low buffer settings, which make it harder on the audio engine and relates in crackles and pop sounds (they sound like little teeny clips of distortion that appear randomly, like if you had two digital units out of sync) and what you are describing sounds like this white noise (sounds like a TV with no reception) issue with mBoxes. There are many users on the Digi groups that report this that don't have a UAD-1 card, but it seems that the UAD-1 can \"excite\" this more. The problem is, on our end it hasn't been easily reproduceable. If have a session where you can repeat the problem everytime, it would be great if I could take a look at it. You can email it to me (jamesc at uaudio.com) with just the session file (not the audio files, it would be too big for the mailbox). Thanks.
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