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HELP, I'm desperate ASUS A8R32-MVP



Just builded a new system. Specs:

Asus A8R32-MVP
AMD X2 4200+
2x Corsair 512MB 3200C2
MSi Geforce 7600GS (passive) with 2x DVI 19\"
550W PSU
2 x UAD-1
Cubase SX3.1

Everything runs smooth, but when I load the UAD Prec Limiter, crackles appears and Cubase is freezing, and I have to restart my System. I've tried everything I know:
tried infltr, but this one doesn't work. If iI set a filter to an UAD Card, this card wouldn't run.

MS Hotfix WindowsXP-KB896256-v3-x86-DEU

I've also tried a diffrent VGA Card, an ATi x1300. But guess wath? Still the same...

I've also tried to change the PCI and PCIe Slots, but in every configuretion it is still freezing.

Any help is highly welcome!



I've forgot to mention my audio system. I use an firewire mLan system with Yamaha 01x and i88x.

Can nobody help me? I did some investigation, bevore I bought this mainboard. Mr. Scott from ADK highly recommended it. And so I think there will be a solution.



New Member
i have same problem and same motherboard, but x2 4600
apparently the same problem plagueing other dual core AMD systems and AMD is affecting us. totally sucks. I had to buy a pci-e card just to get back up and running, and now have a totally useless PCI card just sitting by my desk. I've heard that the problems are getting resolved for a few other boards, but not this one yet?


New Member
working! i did the intfiltr thing elsewhere, only had to set it to CPU 1, not 0. Zero was no go with the pops. ASUS a8r32 mvp AMDx2 4600+, 1 uad pci, 1 pcie
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