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Help with UAD-1, Pro Tools HD, G5.....Plug ins on inserts


New Member
Please forgive me if this has been discussed. I just installed UAD-1 on my Mac/Protools, and am really anxious to use the Dimension D and 140 Plate....but I can't get them to appear on the inserts of Aux In tracks. I have also tried to put them on the insert of an audio track on input. The plug comes up, but locked on bypass. Am I missing something? Do the RTAS plug ins only work on the inserts of recorded tracks? How do any of you folks deal with this. There is no wet/dry mix control on the dimension D. It would really be bullshit if you can't use these plugs on aux channels......please tell me it ain''t so.
Thanks for any advice,
ed c


New Member
yo mookie, are you getting crazy latency with your uad plugs as well? I am hitting over 8x buffer size w/ most of the uad's on PThd 7.1cs6


New Member
Yeah, I am getting a lot of delay.....and I was under the impression that the delay compensation would take care of it. It also seems like I should be able to get more than 4 RTA plugs to work at 96K.....I can get 6 or 7 at 48K. Is there some way to maximize the UAD-1 card? Should I be getting more?


New Member
at 44.1, what types of delay are you getting? sample wise? at say 256 buffer.......

i am getting well over 2000 samples delay at 44.1 on ALL plugs from uad


New Member
Well, it turns out that I had the delay compensation set too low, so it wasn't working. When I knocked it up to long........I got no freaken latency. Thanks Casey for straightening my stuff out. I am a happy camper....now, if I could just get this song happening...well, you know.


Active Member
I still think the latency is way too high, they need to start working on bringing it down on all formats, but the RTAS format UA plugs are ridiculesly high.
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