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New Member
First of all I would like to say it’s great to be a part of this community I am a new register. I’d just sign up today.
And my spelling in English is not so good so please have patience with me. About two month ago I purchase one UAD-1 card from a private guy. Only my problem is that the guy have register the card on him self so a mailed him and told him that hi needed to mail Universal Audio and say that I am the new owner of the card. But I can’t find him any more? Hi won’t respond to my letter. I have tried to phone him with no result so I have give up. When I bout my card it came whit 14 days trail for some plug-in that I have tried that now have expired.

And I want to buy plate 140 before the end of may 31 can I do that and will it work even if the card is not register on me? I have registered my self on Universal Audio. I can’t register my card there because the card is already register on that guy .Please I’ll would be very grateful if somebody can help me… :( :(



I´m very sorry that this has happened to you. :(
If I understood you correctly you bought plain UAD-1 card without additional plug-in licences.
In any case the UA should have received an email from the seller that contains sellers name,hardware ID,sellers email that he uses to log in,
your name and your email.

Do you have any documentation related to your purchase or was it just an oral agreement?Have you kept every document ,receipt and email related
to this purchase?You might need them.

This is very important.Are you sure that the seller was a legitimate owner of this particular card?It is risky to purchase anything from private seller without proof of ownership.This whole situations sounds shady,please be careful.

If the contact info is not up to date you could try to locate him by contacting the directory assistance(nummerupplysning).
I believe the UA cannot transfer the card to your account until
the previous owner contacts them.Maybe the best solution is to send email to UA.Explain your situation and be sure to include
the sellers name,his email and especially the cards hardware ID.The UA might be able to contact him.
There is still hope,send email to:


You can purchase plug-ins only if the card is registered to you.

I hope you get things sorted out! :)
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