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Here it is : The 1969 NASA Intercom


To make the running joke about modelling vintage gear complete, I´m proud to present the first V0.9 beta version of the \"1969 Nasa Intercom\" Plug In chain.


There we go :

We need 5 VST slots for it, consisting of :

1. 1176LN

Input : 8
Output : 10
Attack : 4.5
Release : 5.5 (controlling feedback delay from Houston control...)
\"All buttons pushed\" mode

2.Neve 1081

Start with the DRUM Klick Program.
Then put the Level Gain to -14dB
Narrow to minimum bandwidth with the right knob, by turning the blue one to 3.9kHz and the outer ring to 270Hz

3. Cambridge
Start with the Effect : Telephone

Then adjust :
LC Freq. to 215Hz
HC Freq. to 2.49kHz

Orange LMF Band to 600Hz, Q=1.95 , +4dB
Yellow MF Band to 1.64kHz, Q=3.03 , +4dB

4. LA2A

Limit Mode
Gain : 80
Peak Reduction : 85

5. Precision Limiter (optional)

Input +1.3dB
Output - 1.3dB

Have fun !

In good tradition with the dsp consumption of the newer UAD Plug ins, we need 66% DSP power of one card for the whole game.

Big thanks to Alan Shepard on Apollo 14 for the voice reference :)




Hi kleinholgi (sounds german..)

Got no Neve 1081. Suggestions to replace it i.e. with Cambridge, Pultec,..?

Jamie (sounds english...)


Hi zellezwo ( Ik bin zwar kein Berliner aber...).

O.K. let´s go on in English, because it is an international forum.

What the Neve does is mainly to limit the bandwidh down to the mid frequencies and level down the gain, which is very much on the high side after leaving the 1176 compressor. But we need this high level to get a solid degree of noise and smear into the sound. It can be heavily altered by tuning the release parameter of the 1176 and the output settings of course.

If you don´t have the Neve, maybe an additional instance of the cambridge can do the job as well.

I´m sure that you can reach the effect in another way. I did it just for fun and used what I liked and what sounded nice on the weekend.

There are many different sound scenarios if you skip through the NASA sound archives. Every astronaut and capcom on the flight missions sounded different, so you will have to finetune it anyway. Besides that, it will of course heavily depend on the source voice, some may need more bass frequencies than others.

But while we are waiting for the original Neil Armstrong backwards convolution algorithm, it might be good enough to have a little bit of fun with it.

But now: \"Requesting permission to release bladder\"....



Hi kleinholgi. (Ik bin zwar kein Engländer aber auch kein Berliner..:)

You're right, with the english forum (what I prefer, cause I notice it as more constructive and less blablabla)

Ok. I try your suggestions and - I try to find the nasa sound archive.



There are many different sound scenarios if you skip through the NASA sound archives.
...know the link..?



You can download many small takes here :


For \"modelling\" I used another source of audio, featuring Alan Shepard, busy with a landing. The sound quality was better there. \"Jose\" says something like \"Oh beautiful, we can see you coming down right now, looking good, we are on the ladder now at the bottom step aaaand touching ground\" ..or something like that.

Will post the link if I find it again.

Maybe I also put on the \"golden\" 1968 unit as well as a CapcomSE version, without the Neve.


\"Do you know what makes your rocket ships fly ?
No bucks, no Buck Rogers!\"



Juuuhuuuu!!! Danke, Danke, Danke!!



Here is the latest development in Nasa sound torturing, using our new loveley piece of tool , the Neve 88RS channel strip.

Compared to the original design we get a lot more distortion and some tiny additional gate effects :

This is how it goes :

\"Capcom 88RS\" :

Gate Exp : ON
Compressor: On

Gate Hyst Knob : 22
THR Maximum (+15) & Pull-40

Gain Compressor : Maximum (30) & Pull HN
THR Compressor -4 & Pull-20

Ratio Compressor 5

Release left knob 0,15
Release right knob 0,2

EQ : On

2kHz +4
shelv ON
1kHz +5 ( maximum) , Q= -1

1.3kHz +4
shelv ON
400Hz -5 (minimum)

Cut Filter both On,

maximum 7.5kHz

315 Hz (maximum)

Phase Reverse On

Output 0,5

Values are in \"Lines\" on the knob fields.

Happy capcoming....

\"Jose Jiminez on approach\"
\"Ehhh, aah, O.k. Sheppard, you´re clear for landing!\"
UAD Bundle Month