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I´m about to buy a G5, all help appreciated


New Member
I´m about to buy a G5, all help appreciated


I have decided to change from nuendo-PC to Logic-Mac. I can get a second hand G5 dual 2.0 with pci-x slots, with 4gb ram, OSX 10.4.6 installed, Maxtor 300GB SATA, 7200v, 16MB cache.
Will that work with my UAD card and my RME fireface? Or should I go for the G5 dual 1.8 with the original pci slots, which i also can get pretty cheap second hand?

all help appreciated.

Thanks Tommy


Active Member
I don't consider myself an expert but if you plan on using your UAD-1, the 1.8 makes the better choice provided it does not use the dreaded AMD chip.


New Member
I use logic Pro 7.2 on a G5 Dual 1.8 and I can load it right up to 96%with no problems.I have a friend with the dual 2.0 and he says its fine so you cant lose really either machine will do the job.Good luck with the change. Paddo


New Member
Thanks for the info! I´ll probably go for the 1,8 cause it seems to be more stable with the uad-1.
I have always prefered nuendo´s intuitive interface to logics. But to me logic sounds better. Nope, don´t want to start another daw vs daw thread:)
Hope I´ll get satisfied with the change.



Active Member
I have a dual 2 ghz

But it has PCI Sloits not PCI X

I f I were you I would wait to see if there's a UAD -2 Around the cornner


Active Member
The 1.8 has a max capacity of 4GB RAM. The dual 2 can load 8 GB.

Something to consider depending on how you use your DAW most.


Active Member
mersisblue said:
I have a dual 2 ghz

But it has PCI Sloits not PCI X

I f I were you I would wait to see if there's a UAD -2 Around the cornner
I tried waiting... and waiting.... and waiting and against my better judgement broke down and bought the UAD-1. I hope if there is a "2" anytime soon that there will be accomodations for the rest of us.
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