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If you have pops and clicks, READ THIS!


New Member
I just set up my forum account to let everone in on my discovery. If you are having any pops or clicks, even a few i suggest you read this whether you have 1 or 4 uad cards.

I have a 4 UAD card setup and could never get my pops and clicks to go away untill I would disable one card. If i disable one, (using only 3) my system would run smoothly, reinable the 4th card, pops and clicks. Sounds like an IRQ problem right, well thats what i thought. I went through 4 different motherboards from Abit to asus from socket 478 to 775 to a new core 2 duo. I tried three different video cards frot nvidea and ati. I tried different brands of hard drives from western dig to maxtor, I tried every imaginable irq order and even tried four different brands of soundcards from lynx to m-audio I tried four different types of memory from kingston to crucial to infineon. Same thing, no clicks with three cards clicks and pops appeared everytime i enabled the forth card. I tried two different magma chassis, different power supplys.
i tried all the different latency settings on my pci bus and in the cards themselved, trust me i exhausted everything i could find on the forums.
I tried cards in the magma, cards out, some in some out etc.

I am a stubborn person and was not willing to use only three UAD cards so I was at my wits end and figured on trying another motherboard the asus p4p800 e since i heard good things about it and i like 478 intel chips, anyways i figured it was a shot in the dark because id already tried the p5p800 to no avail, whenever 4 cards were enabled id get infrequent pops and clicks randomly, especially in the tails of reverbs and delays.

Well I figured out my solution one night while browsing the internet, I came across ram timing and found out how importand ram timing is, i didnt know this, i had changed my ram many times but found out that the latency times, usually in a 232 or 2-2-2 format are very important as are the brand. in order for an audio computer which relies heavy on ram, the timing really need to match especially the first number in the sequence.
I pulled out the extra gig of kingston ram i had so i was using only the factory 512 mb infineon memory and opened a project I had that clicked 100 percent of the time and to my amazement NO CLICKS for the first time ever. I didnt believe it because i had been fooled before so i put the kingston ram back in, and clicks reappeared, took it out and clicks went away, i did it a few more times and almost cried i was so happy.
I researched a little bit further to find that the 2-3-2 timing on my infineon ram was exactly matched to my motherboard and recomended in my particular system so i found a matched pair of 512 sticks on ebay of the same brand and had the people email me the timings and production codes and after a few tries got a pair that matched my factory memory and amazingly I have been pop free for a month now with no signs of trouble, I even was able to play a project that popped like crazy for 6 hours straight with no signs of trouble. My computer hasnt crashed yet either which is a miracle.

long story short, make sure all your memory matches both brand and timings. and never match up a stick of ecc with non ecc ecc is error checking and correction and is slower than non ecc. not necessarily better but they do need to match.

I dont usually go on forums but wanted to share this with the rest of the UAD1 owners that may have the same problems i had and save you the trouble of possibly going through 5 different computers just to find out something as little as this could solve your problems

hope it helped..
shamelessly plug my band.


Active Member
Interesting finding, and thanks for sharing. I went though a similar thing where I used RAM with the wrong latency timings and half way through the OS install it would crash every time. Got new RAM reccomended by the MoBo manufacturer and its been smooth sailing ever since.

I like your songs as well ... great work.


Active Member
Yes, I found this to be important too. I use G.Skill Samsung TCCD PC4400, DDR550, at 2,2,2,5.


Very interesting !

Where did you get the correct RAM timings from ?

Usually the motherboard is selecting the timings from the spec page of the memory itself automatically.

If you go to manual mode, do you trust the RAM vendor, the motherboard vendor, try a general conservative setup or is it just Try & Error ?

Thanks & Greetings



Hall of Fame Member
kleinholgi said:
If you go to manual mode, do you trust the RAM vendor, the motherboard vendor, try a general conservative setup or is it just Try & Error ?
Yes! I would like to know this too!
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