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Is It Just -Me-? (Or Does This Forum's db Really Blow)


Established Member
It's amazing how many dozens of disconnects and timeouts I've received on this here forum over the past few weeks.

Is the feeling mutual, or do I need to try a new mouthwash before coming here?


Chris Milne?

It's pretty bad.... er,,, the forum db, that is. My breath? Ah... don't get me started.



Active Member
It´s a little slow, but no timeouts here. Try flossing, worked for me :wink: :lol:

Paul Woodlock

Established Member
Very slow here!

only a few timeouts, but I haev to CTRL-A, CTRL-C before every post in case it craps out and I lose the text I spent ages typing


Sadly, left this world before his time.
I get a few timeouts, too. Maybe I should start deleting old topics again.


Sadly, left this world before his time.
OK, guys I'll do some cleaning up, but not right away, as I'm writing my dissertation for my MA. Also, we'll probably have one more moderator soon.


Established Member
Yeah I get tons of timeouts doing various tasks here. However I don't really feel it's my place to complain since:

A:I'm not maintaining the site.

B:It's free

C:It's the ONLY dedicated UAD-1 site I know of.


Established Member
Cool. But actually, and I -know- what it's like preparing a dissertation and defence, BUT...

Could you pwetty please, with lots of big gooey jammy dodgers on top, not do anything DESTRUCTIVE, ie...

Is there no way to make this monkey dance faster without deleting topics? I know you're not the owner of the site, but perhaps suggesting an upgrade to the db server?

In any case, as has been said, it's free, it's valuable, so who am I to come off the whiney prat. But still....



Akis said:
OK, guys I'll do some cleaning up, but not right away, as I'm writing my dissertation for my MA. Also, we'll probably have one more moderator soon.

Dave Bourke

Active Member
Yeah, it's been molasses-slow lately but seems to have picked up in the last couple of days. Still the slowest forum I haunt though...

Kind regards.


Active Member
might be a PC thing. I'm using a mac and haven't had any issues other than a very slow front page load on the Mac users page. This one seems fine

Mark Edmonds

Active Member
Need to be careful how you say that chaps or you'll start another bleedin' mac vs pc war :roll:

If the server is responding more quickly on the mac forum than the pc forum, it might simply be related to the topic table size difference or the number of queries and transactions running or queued blah blah blah. All pretty unlikely though, surely, - none of this stuff is exactly b-i-g or high bandwidth.

Using a pc here and response over the last few weeks has been pretty terrible - prodding a dead animal with a stick sort of stuff. I've always assumed that the server running the forum software is running lots of other forums and wotnots at the same time and isn't up to the load when those other forums start generating high traffic levels.

But what do I know? It's a free service and I'm glad I don't have to look after it!



Established Member
Well whatever the problem is on line 137, I think we all need to get this fixed or perhaps the database needs dead entries purged and compacted.


Any updates on the cleanup. I was try to run a search and it timed out.
It took 3 trys. Slow Slow Slow............
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