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Is The Cambridge wirth buying?


Hi All, been snapping up more UAD plugs thanks to the special offers! The only 2 left that I don't own are The 140 Plate and the Cambridge. I'm gonna get the Plate this weekend and it seems rude to leave the Cambridge on the shelf but as I have both Pultecs (which I LOVE) the Precision, WaveArts, the Waves Platinum bundle (WUP! ARGHHHH) TC's Eq Sat (and others) is the Cambridge a worthwhile addition? What do Cambridge owners use it for that they don't get from the rest of their weapons?
Thanks in advance,


Active Member
G said:
Hi All, been snapping up more UAD plugs thanks to the special offers! The only 2 left that I don't own are The 140 Plate and the Cambridge. I'm gonna get the Plate this weekend and it seems rude to leave the Cambridge on the shelf but as I have both Pultecs (which I LOVE) the Precision, WaveArts, the Waves Platinum bundle (WUP! ARGHHHH) TC's Eq Sat (and others) is the Cambridge a worthwhile addition? What do Cambridge owners use it for that they don't get from the rest of their weapons?
Thanks in advance,
IMHO, this is one of the few UA plugs you can pass on. Too harsh in the highs. I much prefer the Sonalksis EQ and as you may know UA will soon have their Neve 073 EQ emultation so you might want to save your money for that.


Active Member
I have all the UAD plugs, Waves Gold, some TC Powercore etc.
Cambridge is the one UAD item I could easily do without.
I actually prefer Digital Performers free MasterWorks Eq over it, not to mention all the other choices.
I'm a HUGE UAD fan and rely on their plugs more than any others with the exception of Cambridge.


TheHopiWay said:
I actually prefer Digital Performers free MasterWorks Eq over it, not to mention all the other choices.
Hi Hopiway,

I'm using DP too, own Cambridge & use MW EQ mainly for cutting freq...

could you briefly elaborate how do you use MW EQ, cutting, boosting or both ?

in your opinion, what are MW EQ's strong points over Cambridge ?

UAD Bundle Month