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Is there a practical limit to number of cards


New Member
eg if i use a magma pcie to pci will 6 cards work or is there some other reason there will be a limit?

is anyone actually running this many?
i especially want to know if there is potential beyond this (6+) so that i could get a 13 slot magma from the outset



Active Member
AFAIK there is a 4 card limit in the driver. There has been some talk about a new 8 card limit now the PCIe version is out, but again AFAIK this has not been implemented (yet???)


New Member
so it's a pci bus thing?

it's a shame there is no expandable system like this, cos at higher sample rates and neve plugs etc 13 UAD cards in a magma is not unrealistic.. (as neccesary-not practically)

even to use through to the medium term despite an impending UAD2.
the cards will only get cheaper, and 13 cards would match even a UAD2 i imagine


Established Member
Imagine that, an 8-card UAD rig and all the best plug-ins. Pity you can only authorise the plug-ins to 4 cards at a time (as far as I am aware).

Paul Woodlock

Established Member
I have 4 cards. I'm now waiting for the UAD-2 to appear. I don't think it will be long.

UAD-1 power is now quite out of date.


Established Member
The UAD2 seems to be shrouded in mystery really, as everyone is anticipating this thing however no-one really knows if it will ever be and when it comes out.

I wonder what processor(s) they will use on a new design, as I was reading that ATI acquired Chromatic Research whom later sold it to maxpop.com. Neither of them seem to exist anymore. Which means Universal Audio will need to seek out some new suppliers and manufacturer of processors.

Also this will probably mean recoding a lot of the current plug-ins unless they find something similar that can run the same kind of x86 code.
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