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Active Member
different tools for different tasks - it sounds different.. clear and snappy imo


Venerated Member
Since it's the perfect addition to that toolbox. There are quite a number of situations where I thought that the LA2A was too mellow, the Fairchild too \"round\", the 1176 to nosey and the PL too clean... if you can relate, then you need the LA3A.


Established Member
It's the first plugin compressor that I've used that does what I thought all of them would do but never did.


Ok - it doesn't just sound like you're 'maximising' a track; the LA3A seems to take the audio, find the bits that you're most interested in, add some kind of spangle and then leave it still sounding natural despite giving it some serious leverage.

On vocals, for instance, it's the first plugin that doesn't seem to accentuate breath noise whilst still bringing out the body of the vocal.

But try it on anything; it's a gem.


Venerated Member
Just to pitch in what I used the LA-3A in last:

A bassline that already had tons of \"character\" and I wanted to add compression that would emphasize that character and not add more to it.

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
Dan's vocal trick of running an LA3A as a limiter after an LA2A is THE REASON.


Active Member
I just demoed the new plugins. I couldn't find a reason yet why to purchase the LA3A. The LA2A sounded alot better in my quick tests. The 88RS was a little hard to understand at first but it is a good plugin. However, I already own all the other neve plugins and I feel that the 88RS doesn't give me much more what I couldn't alrady do. Of course it's faster to use than separate neve plugins but I usually don't need a gate and I can get similar results with my other plugins. The compressor is sure faster to use than the 33609 but I guess I can live without it.


Eric Dahlberg said:
Dan's vocal trick of running an LA3A as a limiter after an LA2A is THE REASON.
YEAH MAN, that's a real good reason !!!
For me the LA-3A is in between th 1176 and the LA-2A, so...buy it...buy it


tele said:
Since I got the LA2A, Fairchild, 1176LN and the PL.
Why would I need the LA3A, too?
User opinons welcome?

I use the LA-3A for a simple gain stage sometimes to bring tracks up in the mix without sacrificing fader headroom. Roll the compression all the way off and then crank the gain pot. I nice warm color without getting too into much, if any, compression.

It's about the most useful of all their plugins for the kind of mixing I do here.

Dan Duskin

Established Member
The LA3A is a LA2A with much faster attack and release times. It doesn't sound as \"smooth\". It's more \"hard\" sounding. Very good as a limiter. You can think of it as half-way between an LA2A and an 1176.
tele said:
Since I got the LA2A, Fairchild, 1176LN and the PL.
Why would I need the LA3A, too?
This was right on:

Horse said:
... the LA3A seems to take the audio, find the bits that you're most interested in, add some kind of spangle and then leave it still sounding natural...

The LA-3A is a completely different creature from the others you (tele) mentioned. Yes, with those four you have a nice range from slow to fast, warm to crisp, mushy to tight, whatever adjectives you want to throw in there. But the 3A has its own unique character.

For me, the LA-3A "thickens" audio extremely well. Place it across a drum bus or mix bus and take off 1dB on the meter, and you get a fuller, thicker sound. With most compressors you just get a 1dB quieter sound.


Active Member
Eric Dahlberg said:
Dan's vocal trick of running an LA3A as a limiter after an LA2A is THE REASON.
I too am considering the LA3A. Any idea where I can find "Dan's Trick"?
Also, any other opinions on this plug?


Active Member
well more often than not. UAD compression doesn't go wrong.
a matter of choice and how you use it in fact. LA3A could be more than just another compressor . it's about do you have anything that beats that in your arsenal. if you need it. buy it !
you have 20 odd days to think thru before making the purchase
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