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Logic - UAD plugins won't work


New Member
I have a problem getting UAD plugins working in Logic. I recently re-installed everything because I changed motherobard (Asus P4 board with i875 chipset), and I UAD plugins just won't work. I tried reinstalling both the UAD software, drivers and Logic to no help.
I get this error when trying to use VST plugins: Error code 998 was returned by the ASIO driver.
And this when I try the DX versions: Error code -1 was returned by the ASIO driver.

I use this with two Pulsar soundcards, like I have been doing for the past couple of years. It used to work. I simply can't understand what is the problem here.


New Member
Yep the plugins work in Wavelab (although Wavelab usually crashes pretty quickly, when I fiddle with any plugin settings, but that has been the case for me with all versions of UAD). No IRQ conflicts.

Ben Logan

Active Member
Hmmmm. I've got my UAD-1 working with Logic 4.8. I'm not sure what I \"did right.\" I wish I could be of more help. Just want to let you know that it is possible to get UAD-1 up and running with Logic for PC.


Established Member
... and you did the 'juggle around your cards' act? Does the same problem appear with only one uad installed? did you run the plugin enabler prg to see if there is a corrupt/incompatible plug on your system? Did you upgrade your storage devices as well? What's your pc setup?

Wavelab can become unstable if there are certain vst synths installed. You can try disabling them in the plugin section.

Both prg should run without a problem...


New Member
Yeah I know - it HAS worked perfectly in Logic before:/ Just on this new install it never did. Hmmm I actually have a sharing between an UAD card and one of my Pulsar cards - but this SHOULDN'T cause any problems? Anyway I'll try moving around the cards and maybe take one out to see if it works with one!



New Member
Moved the cards around, tried with one card only. Still the same problem in Logic. Also, this can't be a sharing problem, or it wouldn't work at all in Wavelab either... So I really have no clue.


Established Member
it's realy a difficult problem.... Only thing I could think of is some other plugin messing up logic. Happend before. The only thing you can do is look for anything different in your new install compared to the old setup and change that back to see what happens. You can't realy compare with wavelab because wavelab is no realtime app.

Did you run some tests to see if the board doesn't block the transfers in anyway? Have you tried some demo version of another sequenser to see if it is a realtime app problem? Have you tried any previous versions of logic?



New Member
Hi Melomaniac,

Although it should *not* cause any trouble sharing an irq as you say, why don't you rule it out definitely. That is the only way to tell for certain. If you need to disable some hardware devices (ethernet, etc.) in order to achieve this, do that. That is the only way to tell for sure that it is or isn't causing a problem.

BTW, just because audio passes through the plugin fine in Wavelab doesn't mean anything if you have trouble with it as soon as you try to change any settings. Also, just because your old motherboard allowed you to get away with sharing the irq with the Pulsars, doesn't mean anything either. It could have been that you were simply lucky.

I personally have an RME Hammerfall in my PC and the UAD-1 (with Logic too). Each has its own irq and I have no issues with it at all. I have troubleshot many PC problems. When you can let go of the idea \"it should be work\" and break the problem down by ruling things out, you usually get to the source of the problem pretty quickly.

HTH and good luck,


New Member
I tried with one card, no sharing, no change.. and Wavelab has ALWAYS behaved like that with UAD plugins here. NEVER worked for more than a few minutes/seconds, then a crash. Dunno if it has something to do with my Pulsar cards.

I got the UAD plugins working in Logic for some time. I fiddled the \"limit CPU load\" checkbox on and off and suddenly it worked. But the next time I booted Logic I couldn't get it working again. Interesting.

I haven't bothered installing SX2 yet on this machine, but I am sure the UAD plugins will work fine there. Will test it ASAP.

I think this is basically some of those MS Windows install \"randomness\" things that happen. I am sure that if I re-install XP it will work again. However that is a huge process that I am not easily persuaded to do:)


New Member
Hi MeloManiac,

Hopefully you don't have to resort to that. Have you tried directly contacting UA? Perhaps they will have some suggestions before you have to attempt a total reinstall. That would be a big bummer if you went to that trouble and it didn't solve anything.

Good luck,


New Member
I have very nearly the same problem.

Error code 998 is the bain of my life. :lol:

Although my build does let me open up UAD plugs if logic has been freshly booted up.

I think Im suffering alot of other problems stemming from this aswell though. When I shut down logic or close a song it hangs for ages or just crashes. Usually when booting up logic i get an asio malfunction warning message and the asio driver has to be relaunced in logic. I am also getting the error code 01 too i think.

Once they're inserted in the chain the UAD plugs work fine, its just putting them in or taking them off that can crash logic.

I have tried using the plugs in Cubase and they have opened and closed flawlessly.


New Member
Hey all!

I've got logic and uad's (PC) for ages now and everything worked fine, until i installed service pack 2 on winXP last week.

i'm now having the same error codes and logic crashed etc etc.
then i made a fresh install and now everything is just fine :)

hope that helps, just DON'T install sp2
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