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Looking new MB for my UAD-1


Active Member
Hello ppl,

well, i'm haveing clickspops from my uad so i want to change my borad but the broblem is: i was looking at those models from Asus A8v and Gigabyte K8u that need to work good with dualcore processors(acording to the WorkingSystem Topic) but the compeny dosnt sell them anymore, ive look on every computer store i can find!, and nothing.

so it would be nice if someone can recomended me new MB that works with dualcore.

my comp:

mb: DFI nf3 (yes i know uad has some problems with nf3 chipset)
AMD dual core 4400
2giga dualchannel Gail ram
RME 96/32

Thanks for any halp!


Active Member
first of all thanks for your reply, the commando board is for intel and i have amd :)

anyway, i was looking at this model from Asus A8V-MX (its the lest one in the store) so if any one can tell me if this borad will do the trick for my uad thats will be super great.



manolito said:
first of all thanks for your reply, the commando board is for intel and i have amd :)

anyway, i was looking at this model from Asus A8V-MX (its the lest one in the store) so if any one can tell me if this borad will do the trick for my uad thats will be super great.

You can still find the Gigabyte GA-K8NS Ultra 939 motherboards in Austrailia (if that helps). If you've got an internet buddy there, see if you can get him to transship you one. I have used the ASUS A8V-Deluxe and the GA-K8NS Ultra939 with good success. The Gigabyte board is a bit more stable and responsive due to the NForce 3 chipset and the Sil SATA controller, or at least mine was/is, but either one will serve you well. If you're RAID'ing, the Sil will definitely outperform the Promise controller on the ASUS mobo, but both are good and I'm really splitting hairs here. I used these boards with 4 x UAD-1 cards and both Creamware Pulsar cards (x 3) and RME HDSP cards (x3). I did not use FW audio interfaces. the ASUS board had some issues with PCI bus overload unless the 3 x RME cards were in a 13 slot Magma and the UAD-1 cards were in another 13 slot Magma. Putting both kinds of cards in the same Magme, even if they were on different busses and not sharing IRQ's with each other or the AGP caused a PCI bus trainwreck-lots of clicks and pops. Moving just one of the HDSP cards out of the Magma and into a mobo PCI slot solved this. Best overall performance was using two Magmas though. I don't know about the ASUS A8V-MX.sorry.

The GA-K8NS Ultra 939 absolutely rocks. If you're using AGP, it's worth it to look around until you find one. I'm using two of them these days. Someone should kick Gigabytes arse for discontinuing these.



Active Member
Animix- Thanks mate! 8) , i will look into it.

I would like to hear more ppl that have dualcore processors, what thay have to say bcuz i dont have alot of $$$ to start buying 3 or 4 borads only to check if its good for my uad :)

Thanks guys for your halp/time!


I have an Asus A8V deluxe going to be available very soon.
I've only run it with a 3500+ but the bios is all ready for dual core.
I'm finding it harder to find a X2 939 socket CPu now, so I decided to grab an Intel core 2 dual and a new mobo...


Active Member
ok so i crossgrade my PCI card to PCIE, and i'm geting one more DFI RDX200 borad, the borad is with ATI chipset, so my Q is it will work good with pcie & ati chipset ?

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