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Lower 33609 DSP Consupmtion: Limiter Out?

Arys Chien

Active Member
We have Nigel. Yet when we don't need the full Nigel, we have Preflex with lower DSP consumption.

Since I almost never, and probably not going to use the limiter section of the 33609 plug-in, why not giving us a limiter-less 33609? Or even better, no DSP consumption for the limiter section when it's off?


hey, they could do it in the other way too. I use the limiter section alone more than I thought (for room mics groupe of drums).


Established Member
That's a good point for sure. But like the Pultec, it should emulates the hardware in every regard, limiter off and/or compressor off either.


Arys Chien

Active Member
I agree. I wasn't talking about taking the limiter section off completely. I was talking about:

1. Another version of the 33609, limiter-less, with the original version

2. The same version, but consumes less DSP power when the limiter section is turned off

I myself prefer the latter. And it should be easy, since they've dont that with the Pultec Pro. When either of the MEQ-5 or the EQP-1A section is turned off, you can see that some of the DSP power is freed.
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