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Mac G4-Won't recognize the card


New Member
When I open the UAD Meter, an Error message appears: Unable to communicate with UAD Hardware. Why is my Mac not recognizing the UAD card?


Active Member
Try using another PCI-slot...


Active Member
What other cards do you have?

Have this card worked in another machine?

Is the card appearing in the System Profile? If it's is, then I would think there's something messed up with your s/w installation.


New Member
Got it

I put the card in my PC where it did recognize it, so I could get the ID# to register the hardware and download the 4.5 update. I also downloaded the VST 2 RTAS converter and it's serial#. Loaded it back into the MACG4 and updated everything, and evrything's working good. The reason I had to upgrade the software is because I'm running ProTools LE 6.4 and OSX.3.9 Panther. Thanks for the help!
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