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Mac: Internal CPU goes bananas...???


New Member
We have a G4 dual 800, RME Fireface, Cubase SX 3, 2 UAD cards and 1 Powercore.

We just did a mix with only UAD-plugs running (no TC Powercore plugs where activated). UAD CPU was around 60%. No native plugs or intruments where running and the internal CPU in Cubase is hitting the roof everytime we hit play...?????

Buffersize is set to 1024. All files in the project were 24 bit / 48 kHz

We got the cards cause we needed more power.

If somebody could shed some light on this rather annoying thing I'll buy you beer. Or two. :roll:


Active Member
I'm curious to know what the UAD Performance Meter was showing. Was it near its max? If the UAD reaches near its max, sometimes this may cause an overload on the host CPU. You can set a fixed maximum CPU Load for the UAD in the Performance Meter.

Also what type of Soundcard are you using? Is it PCI or Firewire?

whats your buffer like?

SX on the mac is ass at lower buffer settings.

set it to 1024 (or higher! :) )


New Member
Thanks guys....

But read my post one more time. All the questions you ask is already answered in my first post......



Universal Audio
UA Official
Hi senap,
I'm guessing that PoCo is the PCI one? Do you have any other PCI cards installed besides the 2 UAD-1 and 1 PoCo? In your UAD-1 Meter Configuration panel, what is your MIN_GNT setting set to? Also, what is the card order (ordering from the slot next to the video card)? Lastly, is this the fireface 400 or 800, and is it plugged into a built-in FW port, or on a PCI FireWire card?
UAD Bundle Month