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Mac Leopard (OS 10.5) Compatible?

Can anyone tell me if the current UAD-1e drivers [UAD 4.8] and software are Leopard compatible when run on an Intel Mac Pro?




New Member
me too!



It might be better you should ask to UA directly in advance. ;)


New Member
Some sort of informative announcement would be welcome at this time. Until I get the good word on all my plugins and VI's I'm holding off on Leopard.
The UAD-1e appears to be working fine in my Mac Pro with Leopard. However, there does also appear to be a deep sleep issue that causes my Mac to crash due to a kernel panic when the Mac wakes from deep sleep.

According to the crash log, the crash has to do with loading the UAD drivers when the Mac is waking.

This did not happen with Mac OSX 10.4.10. Also, the problem has only happened once after the Mac had slept for over 8 hours. It has not happened when the Mac has only been asleep for a short time.

I will send the crash log to UAD to see what they have to say.

Here is the error dump that I receive when my Mac Pro wakes from deep sleep:

Sat Oct 27 14:44:23 2007
panic(cpu 2 caller 0x001A7BED): Kernel trap at 0x00cca786, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x81ea1000, CR3: 0x01557000, CR4: 0x00000660
EAX: 0x81ea1000, EBX: 0x1073ba94, ECX: 0x00000000, EDX: 0x81ea1000
CR2: 0x81ea1000, EBP: 0x8eae79d8, ESI: 0x107138d4, EDI: 0x1073ba94
EFL: 0x00010246, EIP: 0x00cca786, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x08000010
Error code: 0x00000002

Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x8eae77c8 : 0x12b0e1 (0x4555b4 0x8eae77fc 0x133238 0x0)
0x8eae7818 : 0x1a7bed (0x45e568 0xcca786 0xe 0x45dd24)
0x8eae78f8 : 0x19e517 (0x8eae7910 0x1073ba94 0x8eae79d8 0xcca786)
0x8eae7908 : 0xcca786 (0xe 0x48 0x10 0x10820010)
0x8eae79d8 : 0xccab3e (0x107138d4 0x91327190 0x8ef3c0c8 0xf43eb0c8)
0x8eae7ac8 : 0xcc94b4 (0xd651d14 0x0 0xd8fac04 0xe3158b)
0x8eae7e48 : 0xcc9592 (0x0 0xa 0x8eae7e78 0xcbc507c)
0x8eae7e68 : 0xe1f819 (0xd8fac04 0x0 0x3f 0xcc91ed)
0x8eae7e98 : 0xe1fea6 (0xcbc5000 0xcbc5000 0x8eae7ec8 0x1a677c)
0x8eae7eb8 : 0xe1ff17 (0xcbc5000 0x0 0x8eae7ed8 0x1298d4)
0x8eae7ed8 : 0x412cae (0xcbc5000 0x1 0xcbc5000 0xcbc5000)
0x8eae7f48 : 0x413045 (0xcbc5000 0x413ce0 0xcbc5800 0x19ccc1)
0x8eae7f78 : 0x13e987 (0xcbc5000 0x0 0x1a136f 0xd9e2048)
0x8eae7fc8 : 0x19e2ec (0x0 0x0 0x1a10b5 0xc5a3c80)
Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.4)@0x680000
dependency: com.uaudio.kext.HypAudio(4.8.0)@0xcc8000

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 9.0.0: Tue Oct 9 21:35:55 PDT 2007; root:xnu-1228~1/RELEASE_I386
System model name: MacPro1,1 (Mac-F4208DC8)

It never did this with 10.4.10; it just began this morning after I installed Leopard last evening.

It does not happen every time, it appears to be random.



New Member
Crash going to sleep/wakes up

Exactly that crash happens to me aswell, kinda randomly but more often than not.

Pro Mac, 2x2.66 dual core intel
4gb ram

EDIT: I mailed Uaudio a couple of weeks ago about this, still no reply. Kinda disappointed. I will have to remove the card since I keep rebooting the system 3-4 times daily.


Active Member
I've got 3 new UAD-1 PCIe cards in my MacPro, Quad 2.66 GHz, and recently installed Leopard, OSX 10.5.1. I've updated my Apogee Ensemble drivers and everything works fine, except that now my UAD-1 cards are not recognized when I open Logic Pro 8.

They were working fine in OSX 10.4.10.

Any suggestions?
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