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Mac networking question


Active Member
Hey, not directly related to a UAD issue but wondering if could get some advice on this. Want to maintain a 'legacy' editor app which requires 32-bit/Mojave, but be able to transfer files back and forth between an Intel Mini running that, and a newer M1 or M2 Mac running latest or near-latest Mac OS (OS 12 or newer)
I was all amped up about an app called ShareMouse that looked promising but...it apparently is only compatible with OS 11 or above so...no Mojave. I realize there's the proprietary internal Apple file/screen sharing but looking for any more simplistic approaches that might exist, before going that route. Use case scenario would be... recording something in a DAW on an M1/2 Mini...transfer file to older Intel Mini in Mojave for editing..then back to the newer Mac for upload distribution. Ideally would like a single mouse/keyboard accessible to either Mac simultaneously..and just separate monitor display for each. I know it sounds like a PITA setup...hence trying to find any conceivable idea for a better route...and yeah, i get that i should just give up the old app but..that's a given. And btw...a VMware version of Mojave on an M1 or M2 is apparently is evidently not an option due to newer architecture ..so i already had to rule that idea out. Thanks! Mike

Matt Hepworth

Master of the UADiverse
Forum Admin
A simple KVM is best, but you can definitely use screen sharing. I do this a lot.

Hey, not directly related to a UAD issue but wondering if could get some advice on this. Want to maintain a 'legacy' editor app which requires 32-bit/Mojave, but be able to transfer files back and forth between an Intel Mini running that, and a newer M1 or M2 Mac running latest or near-latest Mac OS (OS 12 or newer)
I was all amped up about an app called ShareMouse that looked promising but...it apparently is only compatible with OS 11 or above so...no Mojave. I realize there's the proprietary internal Apple file/screen sharing but looking for any more simplistic approaches that might exist, before going that route. Use case scenario would be... recording something in a DAW on an M1/2 Mini...transfer file to older Intel Mini in Mojave for editing..then back to the newer Mac for upload distribution. Ideally would like a single mouse/keyboard accessible to either Mac simultaneously..and just separate monitor display for each. I know it sounds like a PITA setup...hence trying to find any conceivable idea for a better route...and yeah, i get that i should just give up the old app but..that's a given. And btw...a VMware version of Mojave on an M1 or M2 is apparently is evidently not an option due to newer architecture ..so i already had to rule that idea out. Thanks! Mike
UAD Bundle Month