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Magma for Express Card 34 + UAD-1 + MacBook Pro ??


New Member
I have two UAD-1 cards in an upgraded G4 (QS with Giga dual 1.8 ). I am contemplating the move to a 17\" MacBook Pro as my main machine, and I see that Magma plans to support the ExpressCard 34 interface for new line of PCI expansion products. My question is this: assuming that UA has a PCIe version of the UAD-1 in the pipeline, is there any likelihood that they will support an Intel version of the regular PCI drivers for users that opt for the Magma PCI expansion route? Or will it just work without a special version of the drivers?

I know there have been no announcements yet from UA, and I am certainly not rushing to buy the first rev. of new Apple hardware, but it would be nice to have some sense of the roadmap ahead...



Active Member
I wouldn't assume ANYTHING where UA are concerned :lol:
\"we'll announce at this show - no, this show - no, this show - no, this show - no, this show - no, this show - no, this show......do you get the picture? :roll:



I'm thinking about it too.

By the way, how about the latency?
Can DAW fix it with PDC function?


robi said:
How should one test it? The Magma Expresscard/34 isn't even developed, yet.
Oh, sorry. I thought MacBook Pro can use CARDBUS. :?
You're right that it has Expresscard but Magma doesn't have its box.

That's why nobody tested yet... I see. :oops:




New Member
Probably need an Intel Architecture UAD driver to work with the MacBook Pro. Since MacBook Pro is based on Intel Architecture instead of PowerPC architecture, the curreny driver may not work.
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