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Magma for G5's?


Active Member
Which magma works on G5s that work with UAD-1's, and how much will it cost.

Thanks for the help :wink: , as always :)


Active Member
Your lucky your in the US. In the UK we always get stung by VAT and import duty :cry:

I need to get around this shit :roll:


Active Member
Ok, I just bought a magma from ebay for £155 plus £20 p&p.

Lets see if it turns up :roll: .

The person I bought it from ain't replying to my messeges :eek: .


Active Member
got a reply :) , it's meant to be shipped out to me today.

I'm already thinking what to put in it apart from my 2 UAD-1s, I was thinking another UAD-1.

Any suggestions?


Active Member
I think you already expressed disdain for it (sorry, if I'm mistaken) but I've got 3 UAD1 and a TC Powercore. The Powercore is great too, I use it mainly for the Sony Oxford EQ and soon to get the Sony Dynamics, it's outstanding. I feel like the thing is worth it just for the Sony EQs. It really is a good compliment to the UAD. Oh, and Classic Verb is great too, different than UAD but usable.


Active Member
I was thinking i might get a pci poco, but only if I was to get the sony range, or something else for the poco that was useful for production and mixing in my daw.

How good is the Sony suff, and what is mainly useful for?

I ain't used my poco that much.


Active Member
Demetrious said:
How good is the Sony suff, and what is mainly useful for?

I ain't used my poco that much.
You do know that you are able to download demo's from SonyOxford's homepage :?

I think they're excellent and they're my first choice for EQ and compression, but opinions vary (but not so much about the Sony stuff :wink: )


Active Member
The thing with demos usauly have drop-outs or some other thing that off putting to me :( .


Active Member
I forget how the demo worked. But it did convince me to but the eq and comp. Both are great. The Oxford EQ is a bit better than the Cambridge for most things IMO, and the Cambridge is quite good. MD3 is expensive but an awesome mastering tool, I really do think they charge a bit much for MD3 but, if mastering is youi thing it's really great. There's a demo for that as well. The new reverb they just announced seems like it will be good as well, again pricey.....but these are plugs based on System 6000 algos, which is a pretty sweet processor and if the PoCo versions come even somewhat close they may be worth it......I'd say that's my only complaint about the tc plugs, if they were priced at or around UA prices I'd be using the PoCo as much as the UAD 1. There in lies what I think what we all like about UA great tools at fair prices


Active Member
Demetrious said:
The thing with demos usauly have drop-outs or some other thing that off putting to me :( .
Couldn't agree more, but I would think that you'd be able to get an impression of how good these plug's are, unless you're willing to spend all that money based on other peoples opinion. 8)

Seriously I think the demo's of the Sony plugs will give you enough time to testdrive them. :wink:


Active Member
Another Magma question

If it's the only way, then I will have too.

Another Magma question :!:

Does anyone know if a Protools mix system will work on a G5 if the sysem was in a Magma.


Active Member
A mix system should work in all 32bit/33khz Magma and above. HD systems don't like the 32/33 though. That's why we've been seeing such a large number of them on Ebay: bad for them good for native DAW user.


Active Member
Thank you everyone for your help and all repies, it is much appreciated.

I received by magma yesterday, but no keys for the front panel :( .
I don't know what it is for :?:

Also does anyone know what's the difference between the flat and the round cable that connects between the 2 magma card :?:


Active Member
Do I have to install drivers to use the magma on OSX on a G5.

After moving my UAD-1's to the magma the UAD-1 meter does not see my cards. Its like I have no uad-1's installed. Do I have to re-install the UAD-1 Software.

Can someone post an install prrocesse for relocating UAD's in a magma


Active Member
Don't know about a G5, since I'm on a MDD G4, but I just put the cards into the Magma, connected the Magma to my MDD, started the Magma and then the MDD, and they were there. Check if your Magma cable is attached firmly, and the Magma PCI cards, both in the G5 and the Magma chassi. I believe you should see it in your System Profile under Hardware - PCI/AGP cards.

To answer your question - AFAIK you don't need any additional drivers :wink:


Active Member
thank you for the fast reply.

It shows up in the systems profile when the magma has power, and does not when the magma is not on.

Another strange thing is the front panel switches do nothing


Active Member
the 3 switches from top to bottom:



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