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Magma, G5, uad-1 & Powercore Issues?


New Member

I have been having problems loading 3 uad-1's, 2 Powercore MK2's and 1 Powercore Element in my Magma (PCI 7RX - 7 slot version) with my G5. I SPECIFICALLY purchased the dual 2ghz G5 that does NOT have the AMD 8131 chip - the one with 3 pci slots only, no PCI-X.

All, 6 cards in = crash upon start-up, grey screen of death, That configuration looked like this:

empty slot
pc MK2
pc MK2
pc Element

That configuration being unsuccessful, I decided to load one by one. Cards are listed in order of closeness to the PSU/PCI interface card for G5.

pc mk2 (all cards recognized)

pc mk2
uad-1 (all cards recognized)

pc mk2
pc mk2 (all cards recognized)

pc mk2
pc mk2
uad-1 (all cards recognized)

pc mk2
pc mk2
pc element (dvd drives opens by itself at startup - but, all cards recognized)

pc mk2
pc mk2
pc element
uad-1 (only 1 uad-1 is recognized, two appear non existent)

So i decided to swap the element card with one of the MK2's, keeping in all 3 uad-1's: crash upon startup - grey screen of death.

So then I removed the last uad-1 card:

pc element
pc mk2
pc mk2 (all cards recognized)

so I swap around the uad-1 cards in the 5 card configuration (always leaving one uad-1 out), all cards recognized. I add in the 3rd uad-1 card again in the above configuration: crash upon startup - grey screen of death.

I'm curious to learn if anyone else has had this problem. I'm thinking it's a PSU issue? That being said, shouldn't the magma PSU be able to handle the above card configuration with no problems? Or could it possibly be a PCI band-width issue?

ANY thoughts at all would be appreciated?


Active Member
I don't have three UAD-1's, but what I tend to do when I get KP's, is to disconnect both the PowerMac and the Magma from the mains, wait a couple of minutes, boot up the Magma and then the PowerMac. Also I disconnect my USB2 hub from the PowerMac until I've reached the desktop.

What if you put in only the UAD-1's? And then add the PoCo's in after the other, does that give the same result? :?

Giles117 DP

Active Member
Yeah Old PoCO is a nuisance. My Order is Magma, Wait a minute then Boot G5.
Generally (not cuz I wanna) I check to see if the lights on the PC cards are lit. If Not, They are not properly registering. If they are, I Boot the G5.


New Member
Giles117 DP said:
Yeah Old PoCO is a nuisance.
Here's why I don't believe it's the old Powercore Element.

So I take out the Element completely and just want to work with the 5 cards (thinking I'll just put the Element into a PCI slot on the G5 itself)

PC MK2 (grey screen of death upon bootup)

UAD-1 (grey screen of death upon bootup)

empty slot
empty slot
UAD-1 (successful bootup, all 3 cards seen by uad-1 software)

more to come...


New Member
Yeah, I truely belive this is a PSU issue...

PC Mk2
UAD-1 (grey screen of death...)

It's weird, I can always get a combo of 3 Powercores to work with 2 uad-1's, but when I switch that to 3 UAD-1's a 2 Powercore, I get the grey screen of death!


New Member
continuing on...

So now I've decided, that temporarily I will put the two MK2's in the G5's PCI slots and put the Element with the three uad-1's in the Magma, but...

PC Element
UAD-1 (machine boots, powercore software can't find the Element)

PC Element (machine boots, computer crashes on loading up the powercore control panel)



Active Member
Just a thought, you do have a 5 volt load resistor in the Magma, as adviced in the FAQ over at the magma site? :?


Active Member

Before installing 4 UAD-1s in my system I purchased Poco Elements (2).
Had KernelPanics galore, system wouldn't recognise the Pocos so I just returned them and bought 2 more UAD-1s.
I was so dissapointed with the cards 'coz I'm still waiting for a reply from Poco Techsupport!!

I'd suggest contacting the UA guys and asking about configuration setups for your Magma.

Best of luck!


New Member
Here was Magma's response to my inquiry:

This problem could be causing by several contributing factors such as follows:

1. PSU is unstable or unable to suffice the Power requirements of all PCI cards.
2. Magma expansion main board
3. Host Interface card
4. Hardware conflict with UAD1 configuration and 2 PowerCore
5. PCI card driver or firmware corrupted.
6. Magma Cable
7. Hardware - PCI card settings and configuration not properly set.
8. Hardware- PCI card failure
9. Driver of Firmware of PCI cards not updated to current rev.

How long have you beer using this unit?
Are you the original owner of the unit?
Did you add any hardware?
Any changes with software and hardware?
Please let me know.

Note: This unit 5 yrs old.
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