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Mixing with a Limiter on the Mix Bus


I am considering mixing with a peak limiter strapped across the mix bus of my DAW to periodically check how my mix is going to sound when it's volume maximized.

First off let me say I am not a fan of crushing dynamics and creating flat lined mixes. I produce and mix using the K-System and want to try to keep at least 14 DB of dynamic range after mastering.

The reason I am considering this, is that after working on a track, then listening to the track after passing it through Logic's limiter, I noticed (at the louder levels) details I wanted to change. I just did not pick these details up at the softer levels as I keep my peaks at about +4 on the K-20 system.

Obviously, anything that gets sent to for mastering is going to be bounced without the limiting.

Does anybody else do this? Any suggestions?


I think, it's not a bad idea to hear how the mix transports at higher levels by using a limiter. I do it the same way and render the mix when finished without limitation also.


Are you using the UAD Precision Limiter or something else?

I'm considering getting a native limiter so that I can also use it on my laptop such as the Elemental Audio/Roger Nichols Finis or WaveArts Final Plug. Do you have any suggestions?


Venerated Member
It's a good idea. I try all different kinds of stuff to see that I get the responses I want. Difference is, I probably mixdown with that stuff on. If I mix with a master EQ.. boosting a couple of things and maybe using some form a compression slightly and a db of limiting... that makes such a huge difference to the mix. If I turn that stuff off, it will probably sound pretty far from where I want it to be. I'm not going to trust a mastering engineer to do the exact things with the mix I know I want to get the mix where I want it to be. I know that myself... I want the ME to take it from there and make it even better!

Remember that it's music we're working on here.. not a technical spec sheet. If it sounds good to you... then go with the flow and learn from your mistakes. Don't base any musical decisions on fear.. I get the feeling that is what a lot of guys do. If it sounds good.. then I can't think of a reason why you shouldn't print it like that.


Established Member
Another thing to consider is, a limiter is an infinite compressor (a compressor with 0db threshold). Using a limiter on things like vocal busses might be good however I would be hesitant about using it on a master buss. Also I don't know the common trend of a mastering engineer now.

Whether they take a stem mix of CD/DVD and run everything to their own preference or just use a mixdown of the final file. None of my own work is that good anyway, so I won't waste my time getting it professionally mastered.


Sadly, left this world before his time.
Fundy said:
Using a limiter on things like vocal busses might be good

Good on a vocal buss? Why? What do you have in mind? Why would you limit a vocal buss? I mean, you don't really want to kill the transients on vocals, do you?


Established Member
No you wouldn't but you would want to prevent any digtal overs..


Sadly, left this world before his time.
Fundy said:
No you wouldn't but you would want to prevent any digtal overs..
In that case I think it's better to lower the levels a bit.


Established Member
It's not uncommon, at least in pop mixes, to have a limiter after a compressor on a vocal. Not something I'd recommend on something with dynamic range, but on a rap vocal, pop vocal where everythings so in your face, it helps.

As far as 'checking the mix' with a limiter, it seems a little deceiving and counterproductive. You don't necessarilly have any idea what limiter a mastering engineer would use and to what extent. I'm more into slight 2 bus compression, it has a more pleasant effect (to me) on the mix.


Sadly, left this world before his time.
BTLG said:
It's not uncommon, at least in pop mixes, to have a limiter after a compressor on a vocal. Not something I'd recommend on something with dynamic range, but on a rap vocal, pop vocal where everythings so in your face, it helps.
Thanks for the tip! :)


Established Member
just cause the board can be a little ambigious, but i'm glad to help if you appreciated the tip! :D


Sadly, left this world before his time.
BTLG said:
just cause the board can be a little ambigious, but i'm glad to help if you appreciated the tip! :D
Of course I did, mate! :) Being ironic is not really part of me.
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