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MS processing with precision plugins



Wouldn't it be great if we could use Precision plugins in MS-mode!? (just like you can do with MD3 which is now available for powercore?) Of course we can make a setup to manually create M and S channels out of the stereo mix, but it would be so much easier to have MS/LR button in the corner of PEQ or PMB!!

Even better if there was one in the input-side (LR to MS button) of the plugin and one in the output-side (MS to LR button).

Could something like this be added to Precision plugins with some of your future updates? (this question is obviously for someone at UA!)

MS processing is very common in mastering, and some of us may chooce MD3 over Precision plugins just because of this, even if it's more expensive and doesn't sound as good ... :lol:


Active Member
I am not UA, so you might not appreciate me responding to this. ;)

Anyway, if you think the UA stuff sounds better than MD3, you have to be pretty lazy not to set up M/S-processing manually (e.g. with the Voxengo freebee). I think part of the reason it is left out is that it is so easy to set up manually.


MASSIVE Mastering

Active Member
I dunno - I'd pay a few bucks for M/S mode on anything I can get. I was actually surprised the PEQ didn't have that function on it right out of the box.


...you have to be pretty lazy not to set up M/S-processing manually (e.g. with the Voxengo freebee)
Yeah, I am lazy! :D

Seriously, as far as I know Voxengo MSED is not available for Mac and AudioUnits. But if there is something similar I'd be happy to hear about it and start using it!

Still, I'd be happier to see a MS button in PEQ or PMB!!


I agree, I was just thinking yesterday that it's surprising UA doesn't have more utilitarian plugs, like for converting things to M/S and back, dither, etc. Kinda of essential for plug ins aimed at 'mastering' IMO.


Hi All,

I have a few tools that perform M/S for me, one of which is the exquisite TC-MD3 plug-in. A beautiful plug, with a rich delicate sound, and awith pleasing ergonomics too.

M/S at times is a life saver, but the more I use it, the more I don’t want to use it. Judicious use of m/s is something I've learnt from Bob Katz and the likes…. I have learnt to listen, before I jump in with a clinical approach. And, use it only if a mix that requires it, a bit like multi-Bands. People would be surprised to know, how many Mastering Engineers do not use multibands or M/S techniques that often.

Saying that, I have always wanted a plug, that does great M/S. The MD3, has now fulfilled that want. I also wrote to Voxengo regarding the same. They did make one, but works as a only M/S module. Acuma's Final Mix also does a fine job, but sounds dull to me at times….. I am sure its just me.

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