thanks both for those completely on target replies. This is exactly the kind of info I am looking for. you are 100% right that PT is the soft synth nightmare, and for what it is, i am laughing or crying that it runs them so poorly. I could be happy with stylusrmx absolutely along with mach5. I konw this it totally off topic, but i was also looking at acid 5 and wondering what it was all about. I have been a DP buy since DP 1 and cant give it up, so if uad can come to the rescue, i am at least wating for tiger and a new G5 2.7. I will shoot my PT manuals and post the picture of a bullet hole in them. Am I bitter? well ya cause i have sunk so much time into that beast and it has never been anything other than a clunky jalopy with a huge v16 engine that stalls a lot.
I post this an every forum, but why doesnt someone make a linux box that runs uad cards and vst wrapper and maybe DP/MAS and Cubase would jump on board. apple will be their emena (enemy) now with their ownership of Logic. I like logic guys and thier lives will be better now that apple owns Logic. Logic will probably work so much better than anything else, and the os changes will keep the rest of the companies in second place. Only problem is that logic is the most unlogical program in the known musical universe. DP is so dreamy in comparison, but MAS is always a bit convoluted when merging with other stuff. If UAD made a linux os that didnt have to cowtow to Steve blojobs's whims, all of us would be better off. OSX is just a messed up version of unix, so why not? and i am not dissing macs since i am obviously getting one. linux is not pc or mac either, and it is small and efficient. what it needs is for the nerds to stop making it, and let a regular guy make it easy to install the kernel, and then uad makes the gui (oops it looks like OSX, well oh well) give it a browser and spec 3 video cards and two cpus and a bunch of uad cards. that would be a v16 engine in a formula 1 body. ok i will throw in 100k.