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Need Advice- G5/Magma Chassis/4 UAD


New Member
G'day, very shortly I am moving to a G5 2.0DP (LAP6). I would like 2 more UADs(4 UADs in total) so a Magma chassis is now part of my upgrade plan.

Is there anyone who can tell me definatively that this will work (or not)?

Which 7 card magma chassis should I get.



producer composer


Active Member
I don't have 4 UAD-1's nor a G5 (yet :wink: )

But I'm running 1 UAD-1 and 1 TC Powercore in a 7-slot Magma PXB7 without any problems.

According to this list the PXB7 should be compatible with the PCI-X slots of the G5's

http://www.pcisig.com/developers/compli ... /pcix/pcix

At least that's what I hope, and it only cost me $300 used, so should it turn out to work with a G5 I'd be more then happy :)
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