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Need help with Magma, UAD, and Hammerfalls


New Member
I had two hammerfall cards and 2 UAD cards in my PC working happily for over a year. I bought a Magma Chassis (PXB7RM) and two more UAD cards, got them installed, and they fired right up. Well, after a few minutes, the audio shuts off, and I get this weird \"helicopter\" sound that lasts for about 30 seconds, then the audio comes back. I have tried moving the cards in the magma, different buffer settings, updated drives for the Hammerfalls, version 4.7 and rolled back to version 4.6 - all to no avail. The UAD's are set up so that they are two to an IRQ, with nothing else on those IRQ's. I do have a PCI video card as well. All this is running on a ASUS A7N8X Mobo with a 3200+.

Here is a link to the sound I am talking about. It is an MP3 from a project that I just loaded with plugins and have 11 \"external plugins\" running. At about 1:24 in you hear the \"helicopter\" sound.


Any help, or advice is GREATLY appreciated!


Active Member
Could you describe what you have in your Magma and what it is that you have in the PCI slots in your PC. What's sharing IRQ in the PC? Is the Magma sharing IRQ with something else?


New Member
replicant said:
Could you describe what you have in your Magma and what it is that you have in the PCI slots in your PC. What's sharing IRQ in the PC? Is the Magma sharing IRQ with something else?
I have the 4 UAD cards in the magma. Two Hammerfalls and the Magma card in the main computer. My video card is AGP, but under the IRQ's is listed as a PCI IRQ. I had it so two of the UAD were on a IRQ, and two were on another. Both IRQ's had nothing else on them. Not sure about the IRQ for the magma itself - what do I look under?

Now, for the strange news. I moved the magma card to a different PCI slot in my main computer, and now the UAD's are two to an IRQ with another device sharing each irq - so three pci cards per irq. But get this - NOW IT WORKS!

I don't get it...........


GunnarJ said:
replicant said:
Could you describe what you have in your Magma and what it is that you have in the PCI slots in your PC. What's sharing IRQ in the PC? Is the Magma sharing IRQ with something else?
I have the 4 UAD cards in the magma. Two Hammerfalls and the Magma card in the main computer. My video card is AGP, but under the IRQ's is listed as a PCI IRQ. I had it so two of the UAD were on a IRQ, and two were on another. Both IRQ's had nothing else on them. Not sure about the IRQ for the magma itself - what do I look under?

Now, for the strange news. I moved the magma card to a different PCI slot in my main computer, and now the UAD's are two to an IRQ with another device sharing each irq - so three pci cards per irq. But get this - NOW IT WORKS!

I don't get it...........
Don't try to get it. Make music while it works and never change it again!!! 8)
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