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Neve 1073/1081 GUI Problem: GUI Disappeared?

Arys Chien

Active Member
I've noticed from the very beginning, that it took longer to load the Neve 1073/1081 plug-in's GUI than other UAD-1 plug-ins.

Yesterday when I was doing the rough mix, I called out the 1081 plug-in to adjust the parameters. The whole GUI was gone. There was only a blank page under the title bar.

The same thing happened again earlier today. I had to close Samplitude 8 Pro/Nuendo 3 and launched it again to fix the problem.

Does anyone here have the same problem?


Sadly, left this world before his time.
I get the same problem in N3.2.1 from time to time, but not with tha UAD-1 plug-ins; it's usually PSP VintageWarmer and less often iZotope Trash. I could never consistently reproduce it.


Established Member
I remember to had that using SX2 and Princeton 2016. If I remember well, it was a corrupt .cpr file which was the culprit. For sure, it is the pluging who send to windows how to be repaint on request (refresh).
Why that process is not going well.., too many things may happen here!


Venerated Member
Arys Chien said:
I've noticed from the very beginning, that it took longer to load the Neve 1073/1081 plug-in's GUI than other UAD-1 plug-ins.

Yesterday when I was doing the rough mix, I called out the 1081 plug-in to adjust the parameters. The whole GUI was gone. There was only a blank page under the title bar.

The same thing happened again earlier today. I had to close Samplitude 8 Pro/Nuendo 3 and launched it again to fix the problem.

Does anyone here have the same problem?
Hey Arys,

That happend to me in Sonar 6Producer Edition..
and it was the last straw. Add that to the CPU munching, when using UAD-1 DSP and I've had it.. :evil:

Didn't bother trying to find out why. I decided to uninstall my S6PE, untill Cakewalk gets it figured out.

Never had that problem in SX3 or SAM V9( (SAM V9 is still a bit buggy)

Sorry I can't help

Arys Chien

Active Member
Hi Scott,

OT here, but thanks for telling me that S9 is still buggy. :wink: I'll just stick to S8 during the production of this album.


Established Member
Arys Chien said:
Does anyone here have the same problem?

Mmm..., well today I got the behavior for the first time using a UAD plug.
It was the Dreamverb. I was to try out different presets & values while C4 on play, and at a moment I bring to the top the DreamVerb and all of my Desktop start to flick like if I was in a Disco dance bar! The DreamVerb GUI was empty too. Since the menu bar was visible I was able to hide it and the desktop stop to flick. I try to show different native plugs and all was fine. I tried again to bring the DreanVerb and again the same behavior!?
Have to unload and reload it from the insert slot.
For now I have no idea of what's happened...


I get a strange behaviour when the uad is fully loaded: the 1073 gui comes up but there are no knobs on it for a while. Very wierd.

That CPU munching thing imdrecordings comments on is also really hacking me off right now. Why does it have to be this way? The UAD appears to play nice with nuedno on my machine, but anything else causes excessive Native CPU use. This isn't good, and i've fiddled with buffers & dma turbo registery keys for a while now to absolutely no effect.
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