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Neve 88RS release times


Active Member
Hi guys,

Just got around to try the 88RS out a bit more before the offers go out. What I cannot understand is that the release time of the compressor seems extremely fast whatever the setting of the release knob.

When compressing about 10dB, the compressor releases fully in less than a second (according to the meter) even if the release is set to 3.

I hear almost no change when turning the release knob, apart from artifacts on the fastest settings. Could be that the release is multi stage, but then why have the first stage so fast? I don't get it.

Anyone else?



Established Member
Frankly the compressor is what's keeping me from pulling the trigger on this.

The EQ is very cool, but I'm just not seeing the compressor as being a truly general purpose gizmo... I wish it had more variety in both attack and release times.

What am I missing?



I feel the same way, the compressor just isnt a go to for me at all.. I will use it if I have to.. but its a last report.

I wish UA would let you drop other plug ins and let it become a console format. Like I could drop the LA3A into the 88 and then the controls for the LA would be in the console, I love being able to open a console and having all my stuff right there. I dont like toggling different plug ins all the time.



Active Member
Hi again,
There seems to be a lot of people out there who are really excited about the 88RS and its compressor. Could anyone of you please confirm if you see the same behavior as I do (a really fast release time).


Established Member
I'll go and double check this right now :)

EDIT: Ok so, I loaded a random normalised snare hit in and stuck plate 140 on it, with plate A at max, eq all turned up for maximum everything, mix at 50%. It's about 5 seconds long, including the tail. Then I put 88RS on and set hard knee to define the threshold better and compressed the pants off it, trying to get the threshold somewhere reasonable so it actually did release :D.

I see what you mean about the meter. It seems to follow a steepish release curve and die faster than you'd expect. It does go down a bit quickly before gently fading away towards zero (also making it harder to hear it working). Maybe that's the way the release curve is? But then it is a snare drum... The sound seems to match up as you'd expect if you consider it releasing with that curve. :)

The compressor appears to sound right, it definitely goes from a very quick relase to a pretty long one :lol: More tests with more other material might help, but I have a mix to do :)

*shrug* :)
Cabbage said:
Hi guys,

Just got around to try the 88RS out a bit more before the offers go out. What I cannot understand is that the release time of the compressor seems extremely fast whatever the setting of the release knob.

When compressing about 10dB, the compressor releases fully in less than a second (according to the meter) even if the release is set to 3.

I hear almost no change when turning the release knob, apart from artifacts on the fastest settings. Could be that the release is multi stage, but then why have the first stage so fast? I don't get it.

Anyone else?

The manual answers all of your questions.


Active Member
Macc, thanks for trying this out. I was testing the plug-in on a song with no drums. But on the vocals and guitar I could not get good compression - any other UAD compressor would sound waaaay better.

Anyway, thanks!



jwnc said:
I wish UA would let you drop other plug ins and let it become a console format.
That does sound cool.

What would be even cooler is if it was done at the source (DAW app), like if Steinberg would do a glorified version of their "generic non-GUI editor" where you could piece together whatever controls you wanted access to from any inserted plug(s), and they would all appear as part of the same interface. I'd love to have access to UAD plugs from the Nuendo channel strips like they have for the stock EQ.


New Member

Yes, I found out the same problem as well last week.

EXACTLY as how you described it. In addition to it, after setting the release time to \"auto\" and then back to 3s, the release time becomes like 30s. Yes, 30 seconds. Let me know if this happens to you as well.

Arys Chien

Active Member
I don't dig the L/C section of the 88RS either. Glad they don't use any DSP when disabled.

Most of the time I don't read the \"Gain Reduction\" meters on compressors, outboards or plug-ins, just using my ears. The 88RS compressor either doesn't compress or muffles the sound. I haven't heard otherwise here in my studio.

I also wish that we can swap in the LA3A to replace the default L/C. Yet looking back the UAD-1 history, it's not going to happen, since they never change what they have released.


Active Member
sonicart said:
Let me know if this happens to you as well.
I am away from my stuff right now, but I will try it out when I return.

It was the erratic release behavior that caught my ear, and the meter confirmed it. ;)

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