• Welcome to the General Discussion forum for UAD users!

    Please note that this forum is user-run, although we're thrilled to have so much contribution from Drew, Will, and other UA folks!

    Feel free to discuss both UAD and non-UAD related subjects!

    1) Please do not post technical issues here. Please use our UAD Support Forums instead.

    2) Please do not post complaints here. Use the Unrest Forum instead. They have no place in the the General Discussion forum.

    Threads posted in the wrong forum will be moved, so if you don't see your thread here anymore, please look in the correct forum.

    Lastly, please be respectful.

Neve Comp


Active Member
Quick question to see if it's just me here.

Why is the 33609 'always' compressing? I have it as 'loose' (threshold) as it can be set, yet there is still gain reduction with a 0Db input signal. The precision limiter does not act in the same manner when put on the same track.

Is this a characteristic of the hardware model or am I missing something?


Active Member
Can someone just test this out for me please?


Active Member
Yes. \"Rtfm\" is the key here. :p

There are three different operating levels available, each intended for a different application: Channel, Bus or Master. These are labeled 14, 18 and 22 on the operating level switch.

If you are sending a 0vu signal you are already at least 14dB above the highest reference level, and setting the threshold at +10 will naturally give 4dB of gain reduction.


Active Member
:p noted and accepted.

That's the ticket. You are thanked.


Active Member
the UAD manual (downloadable) explains even a bit more about it :)
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