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new (2nd) card fried my first card!


Active Member
i was a happy receipient today of my 2nd UAD card, a Project pack, to go along with trusty old Mackie version UAD.

as soon as i put in the Project Pack my other card (the mackie) was no longe recognized. i was able to register the new card, and it works, but the Mackie card is fried.

if the Mackie card is in the machine (G5) the computer crashes on startup with a Kernel Panic. i've tried the mackie card in all 3 PCI slots in the machine and even removed all other PCI cards leaving just the Mackie.

same every time.. crashes the machine.


to add insult to injury, i called UA tech support 5 minutes before closing, was talking to Dave.. and he put me on hold. i was disconnected, but when i called back it was afte 5pm so no one picked up the phone! really lame.

so now i'm stuck with a dead card that was caused by my new card... i sure hope i'm not out a card and that UA will somehow replace my original...

anyone else ever see this happen? any advice?



Established Member
the card is not \"fried\" as you say. You are having some IRQ conflicts more likely than not. Do a search on the forum....


Active Member
yeah, \"Fried\" is an overdramatic term, for sure :)

HOWEVER.. it seems to work now.. i did nothing different but wait a few hours and try installing the Mackie card 2nd..

everything seems to work!
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