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new 3.6 mastering limiter

has someone any experiences with it. how does it sound in comparison to the L2/L3 and other stuff? is it worth 200 bugs?

Is here a real mastering engineer on board who has listened to it?

thanks so far


MASSIVE Mastering

Active Member
I downloaded the update, fired up a project that's ready for rendering, and strapped it across the buss.

Nice, pretty transparent when used conservatively. Understandably messy when abused (Vlad the Impaler preset :lol:). Easily worth the money.

I'm not really into comparing this-to-that too much... If I like it, I'll buy it.

I liked it.

I'm buying it.



Active Member
Ok I have just tried it over the master bus and compared it to elephant 2 on the same bus...a/b ing with similair settings.

I noticed the uad limter retained all the bass and warmth of the track while the Elephant lost a little bit in the bottom end and sounded a bit thinner. The uad used 3% dsp with 2 cards.

I am a big fan of the elephant, and while I believe the elephant can get a louder sound... the uad limiter beats it in the not changing the sound of the audio. Yeah it pumps, pumps quite nice when pushed.

But.... I don't think I'm going to pay $199 for it. $149 at a push. It is smooth and I would love it in my arsenal... but it's over priced I think.

I know waves L3 is $699 ad it sounds like crap, but that's waves all over. People will allways buy them.


Active Member
Well I also compared to Voxengo Elephant and immediately noticed the same thing. Low end much better. I also felt like the overall sound was a touch clearer, but that could be a result of the bass being there too.
The Metering is real nice, I like having accurate meters that are easy to read, so that's a nice plus. The way you can dial in just the right release and contour is also a bit easier to use than Elephant in my opinion.

I think its worth the price for me, since I have 2 UAD's and plan on getting 2 more in a couple of months, I want UA to keep making such great tools. I got so many free plugs from UA in the past with their nice offers, when I bought 2 UAD's, that I don't have a problem with this price.



I am assuming that price must have to do with the time it takes to develop something. I notice that the Fairchild was $149.00, the Pultec Pro is $79.00 and this is $200.00. If the price is based on the time spent designing the plug, I have no problem with that.

I bought Fairchild and it would have been a deal at $300.00, didn't buy Pultec Pro and haven't started the demo of this yet.

I like to start demos when I get a project in that I can use it on. If I end up using it a lot, I have no problem buying the plug.

I think 14 day demos are GREAT compared to 5 second demos that only process a portion of audio because they give you time to actually use the plug in the same situation you are going to end up using them in.


Good point...14 day demo's allow you try out in a real situation. I'm more likely to purchase something I can test fully in a real project than something that keeps stopping after a minute.

Now, on this limiter, I havn't even heard about it up till now. So I'm definately going to try it out tonight if I can. I have elephant to a/b it with.


Active Member
i have the Oxford Infaltor i can a/b it with.. even though Sony goes at lengths to say the Inflator is NOT a limiter... the uses/results are about the same.. and it's currently my mastering "limiter"... i'll A/B it against the UAD...

and, as i said in an earlier post.. don't know why people are complaining about a $200 price tag.. look at waves, look at the PoCo (their MD3 is going to be $1000 for 2 plugs).. etc... $200 is a bargain if the plug in does a good job for you..

GP said:
I have elephant to a/b it with.


Works just great

Working on a new breaks tune called \"The Secretary\" and strapped it onto the vocals, well it said it can be used for anything?!

The breathing sounds ive sampled sound great,

stuck it on quickly over 2 minutes worth to play to the label boss and its sounds lovely, used in a conservative manor. Nice transparency.



Venerated Member
Are you comparing Voxengo Elephant 2 to Precision Limiter with the same amount of gain reduction?
MASSIVE Mastering said:
I downloaded the update, fired up a project that's ready for rendering, and strapped it across the buss.

Nice, pretty transparent when used conservatively. Understandably messy when abused (Vlad the Impaler preset :lol:). Easily worth the money.

I'm not really into comparing this-to-that too much... If I like it, I'll buy it.

I liked it.

I'm buying it.


That's the right view! I also like it and i buy it too :D
And everybody should not forget: the more stuff ua sells the more money they have to develop more excellent stuff!


New Member
electro77 said:
Are you comparing Voxengo Elephant 2 to Precision Limiter with the same amount of gain reduction?
Yes, the El2 sounds dull compared with the UA-one, but at higher gains (too high?) the sound gets earlier distorted with the PL. I think with normal gains (about 1-max 3db), the sound-quality is much better. I can´t wait to compare it to our hardware l2 (which is not in my studio yet).
The best Limiter-Plug i ever heared! I think i´ll buy it, but first i want to have an eye on the "distorsion-behaviour".
Greetings from Germany,



New Member
i'm definately going to buy this one. i've used L2 long enough to have the characteristics of it memorized, and precision limiter absolutely destroys it. i've been using wavearts's FinalPlug lately, and a/b'ed the 2, and precision limited beats that too. none of that surprises me though, as every UA plug i've used/heard is amazing. i think it's easily worth the $200, though. compared to the cost of getting the waves' masters bundle/L3, or getting PoCo and their finalizer plugin, it's dirt cheap. personally, i think UA ought to release a multiband compressor next, bundle it up in a mastering package with pultec pro, fairchild and precision limiter and let the T-Racks users out there know what a \"tube\" mastering suite should REALLY sound like. :D

however, i just hope that the increased price of PL over the other plugs isn't a trend towards inflation over at UA ;)

Arys Chien

Active Member
Hi Juby,

About the distortion concern, I'll say that the PL is an honest limiter. In my A/B test (PL v.s. L2) I found that PL distorted earlier than the L2, but beyond the point the PL started to distort, the sound quality of the L2 degraded drastically, making it unacceptable at all. So basiclly I don't think the L2 is louder than the PL.
Comparison L2 - UA PL

I just did a comparison between the L2 and the UA PL:

I used 6db of GR on a complete mix in a mastering situation.

The L2 sounded a little bit harsh in the high mids and distorted in the high end and a warm bass was missing.

The UA PL sounded way better all the way!! It has a more open top end and very warm and round bass and it sounds more lively and not so flat as the L2!



New Member
Arys Chien said:
Hi Juby,

About the distortion concern, I'll say that the PL is an honest limiter. In my A/B test (PL v.s. L2) I found that PL distorted earlier than the L2, but beyond the point the PL started to distort, the sound quality of the L2 degraded drastically, making it unacceptable at all. So basiclly I don't think the L2 is louder than the PL.
Oh, Arys i don´t speak from the L2 Waves plug! I meant the EL2 (Elephant Version 2.1). I agree with you with your comment of the Waves L2.


Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
The attenuated bass response of Elephant might explain why it can get louder before pumping.

Tony Ostinato

Active Member
UA plugs all have ultradither in hardware.
UAD Bundle Month