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New install of Logic/UAD-1.How to create new Autoload Song


Hello community,

after reformatting my HD and installing a clean 10.3.5 and UAD-1 3.8 I tried to open a recent Logic Song of mine. Didn´t find the Unitor AMT8 and the MIDI Timepiece Setting for the MIDI Tracks.

I read in one of the forums that it is crucial to create a whole new Autoload song from scratch when using Logic Pro 7.01.

Anyone an idea how to create a Midi time piece mode setup i.o. to be able to use the 8x16 Midi channels again?


Active Member
Bourian said:
Hello community,

after reformatting my HD and installing a clean 10.3.5 and UAD-1 3.8
Logic 7.01 works best with the most recent version of OS X. 10.3.8.

Bourian said:
I read in one of the forums that it is crucial to create a whole new Autoload song from scratch when using Logic Pro 7.01.
not true, but it could'nt hurt. going form 6.x to 7.x I would create a new autoload. or maybe even 7.x.x to 7.1.


New Member
First, make sure to install any required midi interface drivers. You also need to create a new AudioMidi set-up by using the AudioMidi set-up utility in the Applications folder.

Good luck!


Hey Girl6!


THE DRIVERS! Yeah, I tried to make an Autoload without ´em. Didn´t find a line about the drivers in Logic 7s Read Me. In 6 they were installed automatically but in 7 I had to download them.

BTW, I heard it´s dodgy to use the Apple Audio/MIDI Setup Utility...

Dunno, I did it with the Logic Setup Assistant. Seems to be ok.

good luck to you too!



Active Member
Bourian said:
Hey Girl6!
BTW, I heard it´s dodgy to use the Apple Audio/MIDI Setup Utility...
You do not and should not need to go into the OS X AMS set utility to configure midi in Logic.

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